Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Gandharan Frieze Section With Buddha 2-3rdC AD£2900 $3662.12   €3516.25 Gandharan Frieze Section With Buddha 2-3rdC ADGreystones Fine Interiors  Gandharan Crouching Atlas 2nd-3rd Century AD£2750 $3472.7   €3334.38 Gandharan Crouching Atlas 2nd-3rd Century ADGreystones Fine Interiors Very Large Han Guard Mingqi, 206 B.C.–220 A.D.£3400 $4293.52   €4122.5 Very Large Han Guard Mingqi, 206 B.C.–220 A.D.Greystones Fine Interiors Large Standing Female Mingqi, Han 206 B.C.–220 A.D£3400 $4293.52   €4122.5 Large Standing Female Mingqi, Han 206 B.C.–220 A.DGreystones Fine Interiors
Gandaharan Miracle Of Sravasti Stele 3-4thC AD£7500 $9471   €9093.75 Gandaharan Miracle Of Sravasti Stele 3-4thC ADGreystones Fine Interiors Fanghu Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD Chinese Bronze Jug£30000 $37884   €36375 Fanghu Han Dynasty 206BC-220AD Chinese Bronze JugWimbledon Furniture Ltd Mexican Tribal Red Clay Figure£3900 $4924.92   €4728.75 Mexican Tribal Red Clay FigureJohn Nicholas Antiques Zoomorphic Vessel Of Llama W/Black Slip Harness£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Zoomorphic Vessel Of Llama W/Black Slip HarnessJohn Nicholas Antiques
Ecuadorian Carved Skull Shaped Whistle£800 $1010.24   €970 Ecuadorian Carved Skull Shaped WhistleJohn Nicholas Antiques Small Ecuadorian Moulded Clay Figure On Stand£1500 $1894.2   €1818.75 Small Ecuadorian Moulded Clay Figure On StandJohn Nicholas Antiques Zoomorphic Llama Vessel With An Elongated Body£3400 $4293.52   €4122.5 Zoomorphic Llama Vessel With An Elongated BodyJohn Nicholas Antiques Pair Of Costa Rican Terracotta Ovoid Bowls£2000 $2525.6   €2425 Pair Of Costa Rican Terracotta Ovoid BowlsJohn Nicholas Antiques
Ancient Artefact Sandstone Head£1200.00 $1515.36   €1455 Ancient Artefact Sandstone HeadDandelion Stone Troughs & Architectural Antiques Antique Marble Sculpture£4315 $5448.98   €5231.94 Antique Marble SculptureDesign Art Nature Three Roman Bronze Coins£38 $47.99   €46.08 Three Roman Bronze CoinsExample Dealer @ Antiques Centre York Celtic La - Tene Period Bronze Brooch   Celtic La - Tene Period Bronze Brooch Antiquities And Artefacts
Ancient Roman Glass Unguents Flask£175 $220.99   €212.19 Ancient Roman Glass Unguents FlaskTimesAncient Necklace Of Ancient Egyptian Faience Beads£365 $460.92   €442.56 Necklace Of Ancient Egyptian Faience BeadsTimesAncient Roman Burnish Ware Pottery Beaker  Roman Burnish Ware Pottery BeakerAntiquities And Artefacts Pre-Columbian Mexico Mezcala Idol 300 BC. £265 $334.64   €321.31 Pre-Columbian Mexico Mezcala Idol 300 BC. TimesAncient
Bronze-Age Bracelet£100 $126.28   €121.25 Bronze-Age BraceletTimesAncient Pre-Columbian Ancient Mexico Seated Male Vessel£165 $208.36   €200.06 Pre-Columbian Ancient Mexico Seated Male VesselTimesAncient Apulian Greek South Italian Pottery Lekanis£475 $599.83   €575.94 Apulian Greek South Italian Pottery LekanisTimesAncient Egyptian Openwork Eye Of Horus Amulet£400 $505.12   €485 Egyptian Openwork Eye Of Horus AmuletTimesAncient
Byzantine Christian Bronze Christ Statue / Cross£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Byzantine Christian Bronze Christ Statue / CrossCurious Antiques Pre-Columbian West Mexico Colima Terracotta£175 $220.99   €212.19 Pre-Columbian West Mexico Colima TerracottaTimesAncient Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico Standing Male£145 $183.11   €175.81 Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico Standing MaleTimesAncient Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico Pottery Figure£195 $246.25   €236.44 Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico Pottery FigureTimesAncient