Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Palaeolithic English Flint Hand Axe  Palaeolithic English Flint Hand AxeAntiquities And Artefacts Roman Bone Carving Of The Three Graces  Roman Bone Carving Of The Three GracesAntiquities And Artefacts Indus Valley Bronze-age Chalice£225 $284.13   €272.81 Indus Valley Bronze-age ChaliceTimesAncient Egyptian Shabti For A Sameref Priest£295 $372.53   €357.69 Egyptian Shabti For A Sameref PriestTimesAncient
Ancient Egyptian Faience Shabti 4th-1st Century BC.£175 $220.99   €212.19 Ancient Egyptian Faience Shabti 4th-1st Century BC.TimesAncient Large Black-figure Corinthian Aryballos£850 $1073.38   €1030.63 Large Black-figure Corinthian AryballosTimesAncient Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Amulet Of The God Bes£265 $334.64   €321.31 Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Amulet Of The God BesTimesAncient Luristan Bronze Gazelle Figurine £135 $170.48   €163.69 Luristan Bronze Gazelle Figurine TimesAncient
Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Heart Amulet£170 $214.68   €206.13 Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Heart AmuletTimesAncient Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Menat Amulet£150 $189.42   €181.88 Ancient Egyptian Carnelian Menat AmuletTimesAncient Pair Of Luristan Iron-age Bronze Animal Figurines£175 $220.99   €212.19 Pair Of Luristan Iron-age Bronze Animal FigurinesTimesAncient Egyptian Shabti For Nes-Chonsu Circa 850 BC. £795 $1003.93   €963.94 Egyptian Shabti For Nes-Chonsu Circa 850 BC. TimesAncient
Large Etruscan Blackware Oinochoe£665 $839.76   €806.31 Large Etruscan Blackware OinochoeTimesAncient Tang Dynasty Pair Of Female And Male Offerants£350 $441.98   €424.38 Tang Dynasty Pair Of Female And Male OfferantsTimesAncient Byzantine `Greek Fire` Hand Grenade Or Firebomb£165 $208.36   €200.06 Byzantine `Greek Fire` Hand Grenade Or FirebombTimesAncient Ancient Egyptian Faience Shabti 4th-1st Century BC.£195 $246.25   €236.44 Ancient Egyptian Faience Shabti 4th-1st Century BC.TimesAncient
Roman Tile With Dogs Paw Print  Roman Tile With Dog's Paw PrintAntiquities And Artefacts Holy Land Early Bronze Age Pottery Jar£135 $170.48   €163.69 Holy Land Early Bronze Age Pottery JarTimesAncient Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics Flask£165 $208.36   €200.06 Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics FlaskTimesAncient Roman 1st Century Oil Lamp With Cow And Suckling Calf£225 $284.13   €272.81 Roman 1st Century Oil Lamp With Cow And Suckling CalfTimesAncient
Roman Silver Pendant Female Deity  Roman Silver Pendant Female DeityAntiquities And Artefacts Roman Glass Jar With Indented Sides£275 $347.27   €333.44 Roman Glass Jar With Indented SidesTimesAncient Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe Head£225 $284.13   €272.81 Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe HeadTimesAncient Roman Snake - Anglo Saxon Ring Conversion   Roman Snake - Anglo Saxon Ring Conversion Antiquities And Artefacts
A Hellenistic Amphora Handle Inscription£95 $119.97   €115.19 A Hellenistic Amphora Handle InscriptionTimesAncient A Roman Lead Mirror Fragment Of A Dancer £110 $138.91   €133.38 A Roman Lead Mirror Fragment Of A Dancer TimesAncient Roman Iridescent Glass Jar£275 $347.27   €333.44 Roman Iridescent Glass JarTimesAncient Canaanite Holy Land Middle Bronze-Age Jar£165 $208.36   €200.06 Canaanite Holy Land Middle Bronze-Age JarTimesAncient