Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Roman Glass Basket-handled Balsamarium£365 $460.92   €442.56 Roman Glass Basket-handled BalsamariumTimesAncient Romano-Punic Pottery Laginos£245 $309.39   €297.06 Romano-Punic Pottery LaginosTimesAncient Roman 1st Century Lamp With Leaping Stag£360 $454.61   €436.5 Roman 1st Century Lamp With Leaping StagTimesAncient Holy Land Early Bronze Age Amphora 3000 BC. £395 $498.81   €478.94 Holy Land Early Bronze Age Amphora 3000 BC. TimesAncient
Luristan Bronze Double Axe Head 1200-900 BC.£245 $309.39   €297.06 Luristan Bronze Double Axe Head 1200-900 BC.TimesAncient Roman Oil Lamp With Scyphus And Maker’s Mark£275 $347.27   €333.44 Roman Oil Lamp With Scyphus And Maker’s MarkTimesAncient Luristan Bronze Iron-age Spearhead£180 $227.3   €218.25 Luristan Bronze Iron-age SpearheadTimesAncient Ancient Greek Set Of Gold Earrings£350 $441.98   €424.38 Ancient Greek Set Of Gold EarringsTimesAncient
Indus Valley Jar  Kulli Culture. Circa 2000 BC. £245 $309.39   €297.06 Indus Valley Jar Kulli Culture. Circa 2000 BC. TimesAncient Medieval Leather Shoe - City Of York  Medieval Leather Shoe - City Of YorkAntiquities And Artefacts Ancient Roman Bronze Fist And Phallus Amulet£130 $164.16   €157.63 Ancient Roman Bronze Fist And Phallus AmuletTimesAncient Ancient Egyptian Faience Amulet Of God Thoth As An Ibis.£360 $454.61   €436.5 Ancient Egyptian Faience Amulet Of God Thoth As An Ibis.TimesAncient
Provenanced Jerusalem Oil Lamp From Time Of Jesus.£275 $347.27   €333.44 Provenanced Jerusalem Oil Lamp From Time Of Jesus.TimesAncient Egyptian Anhydrite Middle Kingdom Kohl Jar£425 $536.69   €515.31 Egyptian Anhydrite Middle Kingdom Kohl JarTimesAncient Sumerian Jemdet Nasr Stamp Seal With Dogs£250 $315.7   €303.13 Sumerian Jemdet Nasr Stamp Seal With DogsTimesancient Mesopotamian Akkadian Cylinder Seal Combat Scene£625 $789.25   €757.81 Mesopotamian Akkadian Cylinder Seal Combat SceneTimesancient
Egyptian Scarab With Horse Representing Royalty.£275 $347.27   €333.44 Egyptian Scarab With Horse Representing Royalty.Timesancient Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Amulet Of The God Bes£375 $473.55   €454.69 Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Amulet Of The God BesTimesancient Ancient Roman Lamp With Theatre Masks£375 $473.55   €454.69 Ancient Roman Lamp With Theatre MasksTimesancient Chinese Tang Dynasty Ferghana Horse With TL Test£2400 $3030.72   €2910 Chinese Tang Dynasty Ferghana Horse With TL TestTimesancient
Large Chinese Tang Dynasty "Fat Lady" With TL Test£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Large Chinese Tang Dynasty "Fat Lady" With TL TestTimesancient Luristan Iron-age Bronze Socketed Spearhead£175 $220.99   €212.19 Luristan Iron-age Bronze Socketed SpearheadTimesancient Luristan Iron-age Bronze Arrowhead Point£90 $113.65   €109.13 Luristan Iron-age Bronze Arrowhead PointTimesancient Neolithic Stone Battle Axe-Hammer£295 $372.53   €357.69 Neolithic Stone Battle Axe-HammerTimesancient
Luristan Iron-age Bronze Dirk Or Shortsword£360 $454.61   €436.5 Luristan Iron-age Bronze Dirk Or ShortswordTimesancient Greek Corinthian Pottery Statuette Of A Goddess£240 $303.07   €291 Greek Corinthian Pottery Statuette Of A GoddessTimesancient Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe Head£295 $372.53   €357.69 Canaanite Bronze-Age Duckbill Axe HeadTimesancient Egyptian Shabti For Nes-ankh-ef-maat£425 $536.69   €515.31 Egyptian Shabti For Nes-ankh-ef-maatTimesancient