Pre 16th Century Ancient Artifacts

Found 322 For Sale and Sold    ( 99 for sale  223 sold )  
Luristan Bronze Arrowhead Point£50 $63.14   €60.63 Luristan Bronze Arrowhead PointTimesAncient Iranian Bronze-age Pottery Jar Decorated With Snake£175 $220.99   €212.19 Iranian Bronze-age Pottery Jar Decorated With SnakeTimesAncient Viking Stirrup Terminal Rare Type Decorated£125 $157.85   €151.56 Viking Stirrup Terminal Rare Type DecoratedAntiquities And Artefacts Viking Open Work Strapend. £175 $220.99   €212.19 Viking Open Work Strapend. Antiquities And Artefacts
Roman Large Silver Open Work Brooch.£135.00 $170.48   €163.69 Roman Large Silver Open Work Brooch.Antiquities And Artefacts Roman Rams Head Pommel £175 $220.99   €212.19 Roman Rams Head Pommel Vladds Interiors Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 AD£170 $214.68   €206.13 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques Three Genuine Roman Coins £50 $63.14   €60.63 Three Genuine Roman Coins School House Antiques
Neolithic Flint Arrowhead On Mount£50 $63.14   €60.63 Neolithic Flint Arrowhead On MountSchool House Antiques Roman Bronze Stand/ Plinth£65.00 $82.08   €78.81 Roman Bronze Stand/ PlinthAntiquities And Artefacts Medieval Decorative Strap End £250 $315.7   €303.13 Medieval Decorative Strap End Antiquities And Artefacts Medieval Silver Ear Scoop Nail Cleaner£145.00 $183.11   €175.81 Medieval Silver Ear Scoop Nail CleanerAntiquities And Artefacts
Medieval Gold Stirrup Ring 1300 - 1400s£585 $738.74   €709.31 Medieval Gold Stirrup Ring 1300 - 1400sAntiquities And Artefacts Bronze Age Spear Head£220 $277.82   €266.75 Bronze Age Spear HeadAntiquities And Artefacts Graeco-Roman Bronze Mirror Circa 100 BCE-100 CE£395 $498.81   €478.94 Graeco-Roman Bronze Mirror Circa 100 BCE-100 CES W Muggeridge Antiques Ancient Roman Military Bronze Phalera (Ref 5047)£85 $107.34   €103.06 Ancient Roman Military Bronze Phalera (Ref 5047)Antiquarius
Saxon Era Bronze Heavy Buckle (Ref 5018)£75 $94.71   €90.94 Saxon Era Bronze Heavy Buckle (Ref 5018)Antiquarius Celtic Ring Pendant, Ring Money  (Ref 5030)£74 $93.45   €89.73 Celtic Ring Pendant, Ring Money (Ref 5030)Antiquarius Early Bone Needle - Stone Age - Medieval?£48.00 $60.61   €58.2 Early Bone Needle - Stone Age - Medieval?Antiquities And Artefacts Medieval Stirrup Ring Thames Foreshore £275.00 $347.27   €333.44 Medieval Stirrup Ring Thames Foreshore Antiquities And Artefacts
Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 AD£170 $214.68   €206.13 Ancient Viking Spiral Bronze Ring , 800-1200 ADSchool House Antiques Chinese Ming Dynasty Martaban Jar£450 $568.26   €545.63 Chinese Ming Dynasty Martaban JarSchool House Antiques Fine Viking Sword, Mid 10th C£6500 $8208.2   €7881.25 Fine Viking Sword, Mid 10th CForte Antiques York Roman Military Bronze Razor £110.00 $138.91   €133.38 Roman Military Bronze Razor Collect The Past
An Old African Clay Ritual Vessel Nigeria  An Old African Clay Ritual Vessel NigeriaFrogabilia English Bronze Age Knife Blade£125.00 $157.85   €151.56 English Bronze Age Knife BladeCollect The Past Medieval Dagger Pommel£85.00 $107.34   €103.06 Medieval Dagger PommelCollect The Past Roman Phallic Military Pendant£145.00 $183.11   €175.81 Roman Phallic Military PendantCollect The Past