English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By C S Green£350 $444.47   €423.92 Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By C S GreenPuckerings Antiques Fantastic Antique Victorian Cut Glass Claret Jug £495 $628.6   €599.54 Fantastic Antique Victorian Cut Glass Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Iconic English Art Deco Cocktail Shaker£695 $882.58   €841.78 Iconic English Art Deco Cocktail ShakerPuckerings Antiques Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tureen £385 $488.91   €466.31 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tureen Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set £395 $501.61   €478.42 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Mid-Century Silver Plate Tea Set, Garrard & Co £150.00 $190.49   €181.68 Mid-Century Silver Plate Tea Set, Garrard & Co Burnell And Rowe Edwardian Silver Plated Entree Dish & Stand £435 $552.41   €526.87 Edwardian Silver Plated Entree Dish & Stand Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder In The Form Of Shaker£225 $285.73   €272.52 Silver Plated Cocktail Stick Holder In The Form Of ShakerPaul Watson Antiques
Vintage Silver Plated Car Radiator Hip Flask By James Dixon£275 $349.22   €333.08 Vintage Silver Plated Car Radiator Hip Flask By James DixonPaul Watson Antiques Fantastic Antique Edwardian Twelve Piece Cutlery Set £225 $285.73   €272.52 Fantastic Antique Edwardian Twelve Piece Cutlery Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Silver Plated Dog With Hat Match Holder / Striker £125 $158.74   €151.4 Silver Plated Dog With Hat Match Holder / Striker Paul Watson Antiques Christopher Dresser H & H Silver Plate Dish£575 $730.19   €696.44 Christopher Dresser H & H Silver Plate DishArt Design Antique
Good Quality Elkington & Co. Silver Plated Samovar£275 $349.22   €333.08 Good Quality Elkington & Co. Silver Plated SamovarJohn Howkins Antiques Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Egg Cup Stand£330 $419.07   €399.7 Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Egg Cup StandArt Design Antique A Large 19thc Silver Plated Candlestick.£550 $698.45   €666.16 A Large 19thc Silver Plated Candlestick.Youngs Antiques Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Entree Dish £145 $184.14   €175.62 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Entree Dish Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Fantastic Victorian Cut Glass Decanters & Stand £575 $730.19   €696.44 Fantastic Victorian Cut Glass Decanters & Stand Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Lovely Pair Of Antique Edwardian Table Salts £135 $171.44   €163.51 Lovely Pair Of Antique Edwardian Table Salts Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Twin Bowl £420 $533.36   €508.7 Hukin & Heath Silver Plate Twin Bowl Art Design Antique Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set£435 $552.41   €526.87 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea SetLondon City Antiques
Pair Of Art Nouveau Silver Plated Spill Vases£175 $222.23   €211.96 Pair Of Art Nouveau Silver Plated Spill VasesUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Stunning Quality Victorian Silver Plated Epergne £465 $590.5   €563.21 Stunning Quality Victorian Silver Plated Epergne Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Fine Quality Antique Edwardian Spill Vase £295 $374.62   €357.3 Fine Quality Antique Edwardian Spill Vase Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Quality Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Candlesticks£345 $438.12   €417.86 Quality Pair Of Antique Silver Plated CandlesticksUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
EPNS Ink Well And Pen Tray£75 $95.24   €90.84 EPNS Ink Well And Pen TraySinclairs Antiques And Interiors Victorian Silver Plated Wine Funnel£75 $95.24   €90.84 Victorian Silver Plated Wine FunnelJohn Howkins Antiques Victorian 12 Set Fish Knives And Forks£225 $285.73   €272.52 Victorian 12 Set Fish Knives And ForksPaul Doran Antiques Designer David Mellor Silver Plated Tea Service£395 $501.61   €478.42 Designer David Mellor Silver Plated Tea ServiceAntiques @ The Green