English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated 4 Piece Tea Set£395 $501.61   €478.42 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated 4 Piece Tea SetLondon City Antiques Pair Sherry & Gin Bottles£350 $444.47   €423.92 Pair Sherry & Gin BottlesMillers Antiques Of Wooler Hukin And Heath Double Spirit Tantalus C.1900 £2600 $3301.74   €3149.12 Hukin And Heath Double Spirit Tantalus C.1900 Puckerings Antiques English Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1900£295 $374.62   €357.3 English Silver Plated Cocktail Tray C.1900Puckerings Antiques
Quality Antique Oak And Silver Plated Oval Tray£425 $539.71   €514.76 Quality Antique Oak And Silver Plated Oval TrayRebecca Sarah Antiques  Silver Plated Novelty Sugar Scuttle With Original£245 $311.13   €296.74 Silver Plated Novelty Sugar Scuttle With OriginalElmgarden Quality Victorian Silver Plated Serving Tray £550 $698.45   €666.16 Quality Victorian Silver Plated Serving Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of James Dixon & Sons Arts & Crafts Candelabra£1750 $2222.33   €2119.6 Pair Of James Dixon & Sons Arts & Crafts CandelabraElmgarden
Edwardian Quality Ornate Silver Plated Entree Dish£185 $234.93   €224.07 Edwardian Quality Ornate Silver Plated Entree DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Campana Style Wine Coolers, Champaign  Ice£845 $1073.07   €1023.46 Pair Of Campana Style Wine Coolers, Champaign IceElmgarden Vintage Champagne Bottle Cooler, English, Bucket£595 $755.59   €720.66 Vintage Champagne Bottle Cooler, English, BucketLondon Fine Antiques Antique George III Quality Silver Plated Samovar £785 $996.87   €950.79 Antique George III Quality Silver Plated Samovar Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Pair Of Antique Candlesticks, English, 1910£495 $628.6   €599.54 Pair Of Antique Candlesticks, English, 1910London Fine Antiques E.P.N.S Folding Biscuit Barrel £285 $361.92   €345.19 E.P.N.S Folding Biscuit Barrel Giles & Sons Elkington Silver Plate Entree / Chafing Dish 1853£850 $1079.42   €1029.52 Elkington Silver Plate Entree / Chafing Dish 1853Puckerings Antiques Match Box Holder - Vesta Case£55.00 $69.84   €66.62 Match Box Holder - Vesta CaseSunnyside Antiques
Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Entree Dishes £340 $431.77   €411.81 Pair Of Victorian Silver Plated Entree Dishes Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Group Of Four Georgian Silver Plated Telescopic Candlesticks£420 $533.36   €508.7 Group Of Four Georgian Silver Plated Telescopic CandlesticksPareglio & Ayres Antiques Antique Edwardian Pair Of Candle Snuffers & Tray £135 $171.44   €163.51 Antique Edwardian Pair Of Candle Snuffers & Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Roberts & Belk C.1920£350 $444.47   €423.92 Art Deco Cocktail Tray By Roberts & Belk C.1920Puckerings Antiques
Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By William Suckling£395 $501.61   €478.42 Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By William SucklingPuckerings Antiques Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By William Hutton C.1930£495 $628.6   €599.54 Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By William Hutton C.1930Puckerings Antiques   Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set £345 $438.12   €417.86 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set London City Antiques Quality Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tea Set£345 $438.12   €417.86 Quality Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tea SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Martin Hall And Co Silverplate Candle Sticks£245 $311.13   €296.74 Martin Hall And Co Silverplate Candle SticksVladds Interiors Antique Quality Cut Glass Decanter £115 $146.04   €139.29 Antique Quality Cut Glass Decanter Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Cocktail Tray By Silversmiths & Goldsmiths Co.£395 $501.61   €478.42 Cocktail Tray By Silversmiths' & Goldsmiths' Co.Puckerings Antiques Lemon Squeezer In Silver Plated Dated 1868£1750 $2222.33   €2119.6 Lemon Squeezer In Silver Plated Dated 1868Puckerings Antiques