English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
Edwardian Cut Glass And Silver Plated Spill Vase£295 $372.53   €357.69 Edwardian Cut Glass And Silver Plated Spill VaseUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Art Deco Silver Plate Wine Cooler£80.00 $101.02   €97 Art Deco Silver Plate Wine CoolerDecodreamers Antique Silver Plated And Cut Glass Claret Jugs£695 $877.65   €842.69 Antique Silver Plated And Cut Glass Claret JugsLondon City Antiques Silver Plated Knife Rests. Circ 1900.£22 $27.78   €26.68 Silver Plated Knife Rests. Circ 1900.Absolute Chic
Whisky Horn Beaker Silver Rim£65 $82.08   €78.81 Whisky Horn Beaker Silver RimInstant Antiques 2 X Art Nouveau Silver Plate Candlesticks, J Dixon£175 $220.99   €212.19 2 X Art Nouveau Silver Plate Candlesticks, J DixonBurnell And Rowe Antique Cut Glass Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel £425 $536.69   €515.31 Antique Cut Glass Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Vintage Mirrored Cake Display, English£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Vintage Mirrored Cake Display, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
Elegant Antique Silver Plated Jam Pot And Spoon£225 $284.13   €272.81 Elegant Antique Silver Plated Jam Pot And SpoonUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tea Tray £395 $498.81   €478.94 Large Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tea Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Wonderful Antique Victorian Four Piece Tea Set £365 $460.92   €442.56 Wonderful Antique Victorian Four Piece Tea Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Four Piece Tea Set By Walker And Hall £475 $599.83   €575.94 Antique Four Piece Tea Set By Walker And Hall Unique Antiques By Emma Jade
Quality Antique Silver Plated Claret Jug£495 $625.09   €600.19 Quality Antique Silver Plated Claret JugUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Quality Antique Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel £525 $662.97   €636.56 Quality Antique Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Mappin & Webb Art Deco Cocktail Shaker£750 $947.1   €909.38 Mappin & Webb Art Deco Cocktail ShakerCheshire Antiques Consultant Victorian Neo Classical Silver Plated Candlestick£295 $372.53   €357.69 Victorian Neo Classical Silver Plated CandlestickChurch Street Antiques
Pair Of Victorian Silver Plate Candle Sticks£225 $284.13   €272.81 Pair Of Victorian Silver Plate Candle SticksSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Antique The Cube Tea And Coffee Set£895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Antique The Cube Tea And Coffee SetLondon Fine Antiques Art Deco Cocktail Tray - Celtic Design C.1930£495 $625.09   €600.19 Art Deco Cocktail Tray - Celtic Design C.1930Puckerings Antiques Antique George III Silver Plated Chamber Sticks£375 $473.55   €454.69 Antique George III Silver Plated Chamber SticksUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Wonderful Quality Antique Victorian Claret Jug £425 $536.69   €515.31 Wonderful Quality Antique Victorian Claret Jug Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique  Silver Plated Cut Glass Claret Jug£985 $1243.86   €1194.31 Antique Silver Plated Cut Glass Claret JugLondon City Antiques  Elegant 19th Century  Silver Plated Cutlery Tray.£325 $410.41   €394.06 Elegant 19th Century Silver Plated Cutlery Tray.Michael Allcroft Antiques Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 £350 $441.98   €424.38 Smart Art Deco Shaker By William Suckling C.1930 Puckerings Antiques
Regency Style, Silver Plated Candlesticks, 24.7cm£120 $151.54   €145.5 Regency Style, Silver Plated Candlesticks, 24.7cmJacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Antique English Silver Plated Cruet Set C.1880£395 $498.81   €478.94 Antique English Silver Plated Cruet Set C.1880Puckerings Antiques  Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Entree Dishes £295 $372.53   €357.69 Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Entree Dishes Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Entree Dishes £285 $359.9   €345.56 Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Entree Dishes Unique Antiques By Emma Jade