English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
A Silver Plated Tea Pot With Filter 1903£38 $48.26   €46.03 A Silver Plated Tea Pot With Filter 1903Those Were The Days Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Entrée Dish £175 $222.23   €211.96 Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Entrée Dish London City Antiques Antique Quality Silver Plated Biscuit Barrel£245 $311.13   €296.74 Antique Quality Silver Plated Biscuit BarrelLondon City Antiques Silver Plated Wine Funnel£75 $95.24   €90.84 Silver Plated Wine FunnelIn The Shepherds Hut
J&J Waterhouse Old Sheffield Plate Meat Dome£900 $1142.91   €1090.08 J&J Waterhouse Old Sheffield Plate Meat DomeAle House Antiques Antique Presentation Serving Tray, English, C.1895£1195 $1517.53   €1447.38 Antique Presentation Serving Tray, English, C.1895London Fine Antiques Asparagus Tongs£65 $82.54   €78.73 Asparagus TongsFrontsideout Superb Large Antique Silver Plated Tea Tray£875 $1111.16   €1059.8 Superb Large Antique Silver Plated Tea TrayLondon City Antiques
George III Ebonised Cruet Stand With Glass Bottles£565 $717.49   €684.33 George III Ebonised Cruet Stand With Glass BottlesHarveys Antiques  Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tray £375 $476.21   €454.2 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tray London City Antiques Antique Pouring Jug, English, Silver Plate, C.1910£195 $247.63   €236.18 Antique Pouring Jug, English, Silver Plate, C.1910London Fine Antiques Vintage Oval Serving Tray, English Silver Plate£295 $374.62   €357.3 Vintage Oval Serving Tray, English Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques
Antique Hunting Flask, English, Silver Plate£675 $857.18   €817.56 Antique Hunting Flask, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Adam Style Silver Plate Candlesticks C1900£395 $501.61   €478.42 Pair Of Adam Style Silver Plate Candlesticks C1900Church Street Antiques Super Silver Plate Tantalus£395 $501.61   €478.42 Super Silver Plate TantalusFernyhough Antiques Hammered Silver Plate Cocktail Shaker / Set C.1930£995 $1263.55   €1205.14 Hammered Silver Plate Cocktail Shaker / Set C.1930Puckerings Antiques
Super Silver Plates Biscuit Barrel£395 $501.61   €478.42 Super Silver Plates Biscuit BarrelFernyhough Antiques Vintage Maritime Commemorative Salver, Display Tray£895 $1136.56   €1084.02 Vintage Maritime Commemorative Salver, Display TrayLondon Fine Antiques Antique Decorative Saucer, Silver Plate, Dish£195 $247.63   €236.18 Antique Decorative Saucer, Silver Plate, DishLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Vintage Coffee Pots Silver Plate  C.1940£985 $1250.85   €1193.03 Pair Of Vintage Coffee Pots Silver Plate C.1940London Fine Antiques
Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Fish Eaters£125.00 $158.74   €151.4 Silver Plate & Mother Of Pearl Fish EatersDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques Silver Plated Punch Bowl & Kings Patt. Ladle £195.00 $247.63   €236.18 Silver Plated Punch Bowl & Kings Patt. Ladle Studio RT Ltd Large Antique Quality Silver Plated Meat Tray£545 $692.1   €660.1 Large Antique Quality Silver Plated Meat TrayRebecca Sarah Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Revolving Warming Dish£495 $628.6   €599.54 Victorian Silver Plated Revolving Warming DishRebecca Sarah Antiques
Silver Plated Table Wine Holder£125 $158.74   €151.4 Silver Plated Table Wine HolderMansion House Antiques & Fine Art Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea Set£465 $590.5   €563.21 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Tea SetLondon City Antiques Quality Antique Silver Plated Decanter Stand £575 $730.19   €696.44 Quality Antique Silver Plated Decanter Stand Rebecca Sarah Antiques Pair 19th Cent. Silver Plate On Copper Candlesticks£65 $82.54   €78.73 Pair 19th Cent. Silver Plate On Copper CandlesticksChapman Antiques