English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
Sale On. Shaw Savill Line Coffee / T-Pot Silver Plate£55.00 $69.84   €66.62 Sale On. Shaw Savill Line Coffee / T-Pot Silver PlateBarnhill Trading Co. Silver Plated Novelty Pepper Pot By Mappin & Webb£125 $158.74   €151.4 Silver Plated Novelty Pepper Pot By Mappin & WebbPuckerings Antiques Unusual Antique English Silver Plated Spoon Warmer£395 $501.61   €478.42 Unusual Antique English Silver Plated Spoon WarmerPuckerings Antiques Antique Roll-Over Serving Dish, English, Tureen£895 $1136.56   €1084.02 Antique Roll-Over Serving Dish, English, TureenLondon Fine Antiques
Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Oval Entree Dish£165 $209.53   €199.85 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Oval Entree DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Rectangle Entrée Dish£135 $171.44   €163.51 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Rectangle Entrée DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Silver Plated Wine Coolers£845 $1073.07   €1023.46 Pair Of Silver Plated Wine CoolersPhilip Hunt Antiques Pretty Silver Plate Bon Bon Dish£25 $31.75   €30.28 Pretty Silver Plate Bon Bon DishPhilip Hunt Antiques
Georgian Revival Silver Plate Candle Holder£95 $120.64   €115.06 Georgian Revival Silver Plate Candle HolderPhilip Hunt Antiques Quality Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Tray£185 $234.93   €224.07 Quality Antique Edwardian Silver Plated TrayUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Cake Tray£135 $171.44   €163.51 Antique Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Cake TrayUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Stylish Art Deco Claret Jug£295 $374.62   €357.3 Stylish Art Deco Claret JugPhilip Hunt Antiques
Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Condiment Set£295 $374.62   €357.3 Antique Edwardian Silver Plated Condiment SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Pair Of Quality Victorian Telescopic Candlesticks £335 $425.42   €405.75 Pair Of Quality Victorian Telescopic Candlesticks Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Antique Oval Decorative Serving Tray, English£875 $1111.16   €1059.8 Antique Oval Decorative Serving Tray, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Large Silver Plate Tray£295 $374.62   €357.3 Large Silver Plate TrayFernyhough Antiques
Sale On.1950s Walker & Hall Silver Plated Gravy Boat£25.00 $31.75   €30.28 Sale On.1950's Walker & Hall Silver Plated Gravy BoatBarnhill Trading Co. Silver Plated On Copper Twin Handled Plate Warmer£65.00 $82.54   €78.73 Silver Plated On Copper Twin Handled Plate WarmerMelbourne Antiques Edwardian Silver Plate Round Tray£45.00 $57.15   €54.5 Edwardian Silver Plate Round TrayYore Antiques Silver Plate & Gilt Shell And Maltese Dolphin Dish£315 $400.02   €381.53 Silver Plate & Gilt Shell And Maltese Dolphin DishBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds)
Lemonade Jug£225.00 $285.73   €272.52 Lemonade JugHindley Antiques Antique Wine Coaster, English, Silver Plate, 1920£795 $1009.57   €962.9 Antique Wine Coaster, English, Silver Plate, 1920London Fine Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Mappin & Webb£450 $571.46   €545.04 Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Mappin & WebbPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Serving Tray£160.00 $203.18   €193.79 Silver Plated Serving TraySunnyside Antiques
Victorian Sheffield Plate Candlesticks£225 $285.73   €272.52 Victorian Sheffield Plate CandlesticksWitch Antiques A Victorian Sheffield Plate / EPNS Serving Dish£45 $57.15   €54.5 A Victorian Sheffield Plate / EPNS Serving DishLeslie And Baggott Edwardian Silver Plate Tea Caddie£95 $120.64   €115.06 Edwardian Silver Plate Tea CaddieFernyhough Antiques English Silver Plated Circular Tray By Elkington £495 $628.6   €599.54 English Silver Plated Circular Tray By Elkington Puckerings Antiques