English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
A Pair Of 19th Century Silver Plated Candle Sticks£495 $625.09   €600.19 A Pair Of 19th Century Silver Plated Candle SticksElmgarden English Art Deco Cocktail Shaker With Lemon Reamer£450 $568.26   €545.63 English Art Deco Cocktail Shaker With Lemon ReamerPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Scallop Shell Tray£40 $50.51   €48.5 Silver Plated Scallop Shell TrayRod Naylor Antiques Silver Plated Tea Set Designed By Eric Clements £150 $189.42   €181.88 Silver Plated Tea Set Designed By Eric Clements Art Furniture
Quality Pair Of Antique Silver Plated Candlesticks£675 $852.39   €818.44 Quality Pair Of Antique Silver Plated CandlesticksLondon City Antiques Antique Sheffield Plated Telescopic Candlesticks £795 $1003.93   €963.94 Antique Sheffield Plated Telescopic Candlesticks London City Antiques Lovely Edwardian Silver Plated Grape Scissors £175 $220.99   €212.19 Lovely Edwardian Silver Plated Grape Scissors Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Rectangle Entree£145 $183.11   €175.81 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Rectangle EntreeUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Victorian Sheffield Plated Candlesticks £365 $460.92   €442.56 Antique Victorian Sheffield Plated Candlesticks London City Antiques Edwardian Silver Plated Circular Entree Dish£145 $183.11   €175.81 Edwardian Silver Plated Circular Entree DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Ornate Silver Plated Three Piece Tea Set£345 $435.67   €418.31 Edwardian Ornate Silver Plated Three Piece Tea SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Ornate Cake Basket£185 $233.62   €224.31 Edwardian Quality Silver Plated Ornate Cake BasketUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Antique Edwardian Ornate Silver Plated Entree Dish£165 $208.36   €200.06 Antique Edwardian Ornate Silver Plated Entree DishUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large Victorian EPNS Centerpiece£1750 $2209.9   €2121.88 Large Victorian EPNS CenterpieceGeorgian Antiques Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tea Caddy £385 $486.18   €466.81 Antique Victorian Quality Silver Plated Tea Caddy Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Silver Plated & Glass Sideboard Tray By Leuchars  £2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Silver Plated & Glass Sideboard Tray By Leuchars Elmgarden
Vintage Bottle Coaster, English, Silver Plate£275 $347.27   €333.44 Vintage Bottle Coaster, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Wine Coaster, English, Silver Plate£295 $372.53   €357.69 Vintage Wine Coaster, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Silver Plated Champagne Bucket£295 $372.53   €357.69 Silver Plated Champagne BucketChurch Street Antiques Super Three Bottle Silver Plate Tantalus£495 $625.09   €600.19 Super Three Bottle Silver Plate TantalusFernyhough Antiques
Antique Peach Bowl, English, Cut Glass, C.1910£595 $751.37   €721.44 Antique Peach Bowl, English, Cut Glass, C.1910London Fine Antiques Square Antique Edwardian Quality Claret Jug£485 $612.46   €588.06 Square Antique Edwardian Quality Claret JugLondon City Antiques Silver Plated Wine Coaster With Crystal Glasses   £500 $631.4   €606.25 Silver Plated Wine Coaster With Crystal Glasses Elmgarden Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By Gaskell & Chambers£395 $498.81   €478.94 Art Deco Cocktail Shaker By Gaskell & ChambersPuckerings Antiques
Antique Silver Plated And Cut Glass Claret Jug£395 $498.81   €478.94 Antique Silver Plated And Cut Glass Claret JugRebecca Sarah Antiques Antique Ornate Silver Plated Tea Set£295 $372.53   €357.69 Antique Ornate Silver Plated Tea SetRebecca Sarah Antiques Circa 1920 Crystal & Silver Plate 6 Piece Cruet£295 $372.53   €357.69 Circa 1920 Crystal & Silver Plate 6 Piece CruetBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Antique Victorian Three Piece Tea Set And Tray £365 $460.92   €442.56 Antique Victorian Three Piece Tea Set And Tray Unique Antiques By Emma Jade