English Antique Silver Plated

Found 3163 For Sale and Sold    ( 616 for sale  2547 sold )  
British Silver Plate Faux Bamboo Serving Tray£399 $503.86   €483.79 British Silver Plate Faux Bamboo Serving TrayCheshire Antiques Consultant A Good Quality Pair Of Sheffield Plated Candlesticks£60.00 $75.77   €72.75 A Good Quality Pair Of Sheffield Plated CandlesticksAlphington Antiques And Fine Art A Chromium 2 Tier Cake Stand£33 $41.67   €40.01 A Chromium 2 Tier Cake StandThose Were The Days Pair Of Antique Decanters And Stands, English£1275 $1610.07   €1545.94 Pair Of Antique Decanters And Stands, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques
Cased Antique Cruets, English, Silver Plate, C1910£1195 $1509.05   €1448.94 Cased Antique Cruets, English, Silver Plate, C1910London Fine Antiques Antique Wine Bottle Holder, English, Silver Plate£695 $877.65   €842.69 Antique Wine Bottle Holder, English, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Antique Bonbon Dish, English, Silver Plate £495 $625.09   €600.19 Antique Bonbon Dish, English, Silver Plate London Fine Antiques 1 / 29 Sterling Silver Plated C.1919 Serving Trays£1000 $1262.8   €1212.5 1 / 29 Sterling Silver Plated C.1919 Serving TraysWimbledon Furniture Ltd
Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker£300 $378.84   €363.75 Art Deco Silver Plated Cocktail ShakerElmgarden Edwardian Silver Plated Spirit Kettle On A Stand£525 $662.97   €636.56 Edwardian Silver Plated Spirit Kettle On A StandUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Quality Circular Silver Plated Tray£185 $233.62   €224.31 Edwardian Quality Circular Silver Plated TrayUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Victorian Quality Silver Plated Three Piece Set£375 $473.55   €454.69 Victorian Quality Silver Plated Three Piece SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Harrods Cocktail Shaker - Integral Lemon Squeezer£450 $568.26   €545.63 Harrods Cocktail Shaker - Integral Lemon SqueezerPuckerings Antiques Antique Silver Plate & Cut Crystal Lemon Squeezer£425 $536.69   €515.31 Antique Silver Plate & Cut Crystal Lemon SqueezerPuckerings Antiques Matthew Boulton Old Sheffield Plate Meat Tray£300 $378.84   €363.75 Matthew Boulton Old Sheffield Plate Meat TrayAle House Antiques Octagonal Oak And Silver Plated Drinks Tray £445 $561.95   €539.56 Octagonal Oak And Silver Plated Drinks Tray Elmgarden
Three Piece Silver-plate Tea Set£125 $157.85   €151.56 Three Piece Silver-plate Tea SetSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Rare English Victorian Silver Plated Inkwell£695 $877.65   €842.69 Rare English Victorian Silver Plated InkwellPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Mappin & Webb£395 $498.81   €478.94 Silver Plated Cocktail Shaker By Mappin & WebbPuckerings Antiques Liberty & Co. - Pair Silver Plated Candlesticks£395 $498.81   €478.94 Liberty & Co. - Pair Silver Plated CandlesticksPuckerings Antiques
Four Boxed Silver Plate Mother Of Pearl Knife Rests£195 $246.25   €236.44 Four Boxed Silver Plate Mother Of Pearl Knife RestsPareglio & Ayres Antiques Silver Plated Egg Cup, Christpher Dresser, 1900£45 $56.83   €54.56 Silver Plated Egg Cup, Christpher Dresser, 1900Forte Antiques York Silver Plated Egg Cup, Christpher Dresser, 1900 £45 $56.83   €54.56 Silver Plated Egg Cup, Christpher Dresser, 1900 Forte Antiques York Mother Of Pearl Dish On Silvered Feet£42 $53.04   €50.93 Mother Of Pearl Dish On Silvered FeetRod Naylor Antiques
L&NWR Silver Plate Sugar Bowl£65 $82.08   €78.81 L&NWR Silver Plate Sugar BowlRecess Antiques GWR Hotels Silver Plate Sugar Bowl£75 $94.71   €90.94 GWR Hotels Silver Plate Sugar BowlRecess Antiques Antique Rococo Style Silver Plated Candlesticks£145 $183.11   €175.81 Antique Rococo Style Silver Plated CandlesticksPaul Doran Antiques Silver Plated Coffee Pot Or Hot Water Jug 1920£45 $56.83   €54.56 Silver Plated Coffee Pot Or Hot Water Jug 1920Those Were The Days