
Found 1727 For Sale and Sold    ( 426 for sale  1301 sold )  
Pair Of Antique Ormolu And Marble Cassolettes£1100 $1418.01   €1310.87 Pair Of Antique Ormolu And Marble CassolettesDavid Wolfenden Antiques Antique Victorian Quality Marble Clock£495 $638.1   €589.89 Antique Victorian Quality Marble ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Wonderful Pair French Marble Table Lamps£995 $1282.65   €1185.74 Wonderful Pair French Marble Table LampsFernyhough Antiques Antique Pedestal Cabinet, English, Column, 1850£2350 $3029.39   €2800.5 Antique Pedestal Cabinet, English, Column, 1850London Fine Antiques
High Quality Egyptian Influence Mantel Clock£3750 $4834.13   €4468.88 High Quality Egyptian Influence Mantel ClockP.A.Oxley Antique Clocks Carved Marble Sculpture£595.00 $767.01   €709.06 Carved Marble SculptureVerity Antiques Large White Marble Bulbous Carved Table Lamp£445 $573.65   €530.31 Large White Marble Bulbous Carved Table LampElmgarden Stunning Antique Victorian Quality Clock Set£625 $805.69   €744.81 Stunning Antique Victorian Quality Clock SetUnique Antiques By Emma Jade
Pair Of French Marble & Ormolu Candelabra£425 $547.87   €506.47 Pair Of French Marble & Ormolu CandelabraBuchanan And Laing (Prima Finds) Large Antique Victorian Quality Mantle Clock£975 $1256.87   €1161.91 Large Antique Victorian Quality Mantle ClockUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Quality Victorian Black Marble Clock Garniture£875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Quality Victorian Black Marble Clock GarnitureUnique Antiques By Emma Jade Large White Marble Corinthian Column Table Lamp£650 $837.92   €774.61 Large White Marble Corinthian Column Table LampElmgarden
Superb Pair Marble Lamps£695 $895.92   €828.23 Superb Pair Marble LampsFernyhough Antiques Micro Mosaic Paperweight Of St Peters Square£495.00 $638.1   €589.89 Micro Mosaic Paperweight Of St Peter's SquareDesdemona Postlethwaite Antiques Circa 1880 French Marble Pillar Pedestal Stand£1950 $2513.75   €2323.82 Circa 1880 French Marble Pillar Pedestal StandWimbledon Furniture Ltd Marble Sphere On Bronze Stand£375 $483.41   €446.89 Marble Sphere On Bronze StandFerreira Antiques
Large Vintage Circular Table, Continental, Marble£3950 $5091.95   €4707.22 Large Vintage Circular Table, Continental, MarbleLondon Fine Antiques Cast Iron Garden Table With Marble Top£800 $1031.28   €953.36 Cast Iron Garden Table With Marble TopLeslie And Baggott Attractive Large Victorian Heavy Marble Pillar£895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Attractive Large Victorian Heavy Marble PillarAbacus Antiques Antique Walnut And Marble Top Italian Coffee Table£1285 $1656.49   €1531.33 Antique Walnut And Marble Top Italian Coffee TableLondon City Antiques
Antique Specimen Table£2995 $3860.85   €3569.14 Antique Specimen TableThe Retro Business Quality Octagonal Black Marble And Inlaid Italian £4250 $5478.68   €5064.73 Quality Octagonal Black Marble And Inlaid Italian Georgian Antiques Antique Jardiniere Stand, Italian, Gilt, Marble£1195 $1540.47   €1424.08 Antique Jardiniere Stand, Italian, Gilt, MarbleLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of 19th French Four Branch Candelabra£675.00 $870.14   €804.4 Pair Of 19th French Four Branch CandelabraKnot And Grain Antiques
Victorian French Marble And Gilt Brass Table Lamp£750 $966.83   €893.78 Victorian French Marble And Gilt Brass Table LampWimbledon Furniture Ltd Circa 1880 Italian Pietra Dura Marble Chess Table£2350 $3029.39   €2800.5 Circa 1880 Italian Pietra Dura Marble Chess TableWimbledon Furniture Ltd 1930 Deco Desk Stand In Marble.£135 $174.03   €160.88 1930 Deco Desk Stand In Marble.Cavers Antiques Lateran Obelisk£2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Lateran ObeliskAylmer Fine Art