
Found 803 For Sale and Sold    ( 176 for sale  627 sold )  
A White China Biscuit Barrel By Fortnum & Mason£40.00 $49.87   €47.8 A White China Biscuit Barrel By Fortnum & MasonAlphington Antiques And Fine Art Antique Adderleys Cup And Saucer£22.00 $27.43   €26.29 Antique Adderleys Cup And SaucerMelbourne Antiques Royal Grafton Cup And Saucer With Gilted Border£28.00 $34.91   €33.46 Royal Grafton Cup And Saucer With Gilted BorderMelbourne Antiques Adderley Enamelled Cup And Saucer£28.00 $34.91   €33.46 Adderley Enamelled Cup And SaucerMelbourne Antiques
Super Minton Pink Blossom Tea Set ( 21 Pieces)£125.00 $155.84   €149.39 Super Minton Pink Blossom Tea Set ( 21 Pieces)Melbourne Antiques Antique Crown Staffordshire Floral Pattern Coffee Set£55.00 $68.57   €65.73 Antique Crown Staffordshire Floral Pattern Coffee SetMelbourne Antiques Terence Nutt Painted China Royal Worcester Int Tea Set   Terence Nutt Painted China Royal Worcester Int' Tea Set Cotswold House Antiques Pair Of Victoria & Albert Cup & Saucers C1840£95 $118.44   €113.53 Pair Of Victoria & Albert Cup & Saucers C1840Retropolis Antiques & Vintage
19th Cent English Majolica Egg Cruet.  19th Cent English Majolica Egg Cruet.M&G Basset Pine And Decorative Items Pair Of Vintage China Lamps With Floral Decoration£145 $180.77   €173.29 Pair Of Vintage China Lamps With Floral DecorationSwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Crown Staffordshire Large Cake Plate Chinese Willow£65.00 $81.04   €77.68 Crown Staffordshire Large Cake Plate Chinese WillowMelbourne Antiques Coalport  Chinese Willow Meat Plate£55.00 $68.57   €65.73 Coalport Chinese Willow Meat PlateMelbourne Antiques
Crown Staffordshire Chinese Willow Dinner Plates£90.00 $112.2   €107.56 Crown Staffordshire Chinese Willow Dinner PlatesMelbourne Antiques  Royal Crown Derby Fluted Plate Derby Days£38.00 $47.37   €45.41 Royal Crown Derby Fluted Plate Derby DaysMelbourne Antiques Spode Still Life Cabinet Plate By Ken Yates£48.00 $59.84   €57.36 Spode Still Life Cabinet Plate By Ken YatesMelbourne Antiques Royal Worcester Botanical Plate£36.00 $44.88   €43.02 Royal Worcester Botanical PlateMelbourne Antiques
WWI Commemorative China Trio, Dated 1914£45 $56.1   €53.78 WWI Commemorative China Trio, Dated 1914Forte Antiques York Royal Doulton Katie HN 3360£65.00 $81.04   €77.68 Royal Doulton Katie HN 3360Melbourne Antiques Cauldon Blue And Gold Bordered Six Settings Tea Set£65.00 $81.04   €77.68 Cauldon Blue And Gold Bordered Six Settings Tea SetMelbourne Antiques Copenhagen Cup And Saucer£15 $18.7   €17.93 Copenhagen Cup And SaucerShouldham Antiques And Interiors
English Wedgwood City Of Chicago Punch Bowl C.1974£95 $118.44   €113.53 English Wedgwood City Of Chicago Punch Bowl C.1974Chapmanpugh Modern Antiques Elegant 1930s China Lamp £130 $162.07   €155.36 Elegant 1930s China Lamp Swans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Super Royal Stafford Olde English Garden Tea Service£95.00 $118.44   €113.53 Super Royal Stafford Olde English Garden Tea ServiceMelbourne Antiques Davenport Pottery Two Temples Teapot C.1870-86   Davenport Pottery Two Temples Teapot C.1870-86 Desdemona Postlethwaite Antiques
Large Impressive Japanese Charger £125.00 $155.84   €149.39 Large Impressive Japanese Charger Knot And Grain Antiques A Large Chinese Table Lamp £475 $592.18   €567.67 A Large Chinese Table Lamp Beech And Springs 1950s Shelley Rock Garden, Chintz Pin / Trinket Dish£35 $43.63   €41.83 1950s Shelley Rock Garden, Chintz Pin / Trinket DishArthur Vandyk Antiques Set Six Masons Regency Egg Cups  Set Six Masons Regency Egg CupsThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge