Found 5991 For Sale and Sold ( 1778 for sale 4213 sold )
$1478.88 €1422.24
19thC Bronze & Gilt CandelabraImperial Antiques
$1478.88 €1422.24
19th C French Bronze CherubsImperial Antiques
$2218.32 €2133.36
Pair 19th C Bronze QueensImperial Antiques
$1047.54 €1007.42
19thC Gilt Bronze Cherub GroupImperial Antiques
19th C French Bronze BoyImperial Antiques
$3204.24 €3081.52
19th C French Sevres ClockImperial Antiques
French Mantle ClockImperial Antiques
19th Century Bronze CherubImperial Antiques
$301.94 €290.37
Bronze Figurine SchoolAfonwen Antique Centre
Bronze Polo PlayerAberdeen Antique Centre
$154.05 €148.15
Bronze GolferAberdeen Antique Centre
Bronze Hunter FiguresShackladys Antiques
$1183.1 €1137.79
Bronze FigurineLimited Editions
Japanese Bronze JardiniereDomani Antique And Contemporary
Japanese Bronze ElephantDomani Antique And Contemporary
$183.63 €176.59
Bronze OwlAfonwen Antique Centre
$326.59 €314.08
Bronze BullAfonwen Antique Centre
$1072.19 €1031.12
Pradier SculptureAberdeen Antique Centre
Bronze Fishing SculptureArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Corinthian Column Table LampArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Ships Bronze Bell & BracketArtsoutine Arts And Antiques
Sylvia Attard Bronze Horse Artsoutine Arts And Antiques
Bronze Dog Signed P.J.Mene.Aberdeen Antique & Art Centre
Aberdeen Antique & Art Centre
$2175.19 €2091.88
Quality BronzeThe Executive Collection
$1663.74 €1600.02
Afonwen Antique Centre
$1540.5 €1481.5
Art Nouveau 3 Piece Clock GarnitureLimited Editions