Aluminium items

Found 408 For Sale and Sold    ( 105 for sale  303 sold )  
Double Sided Rolex Shop Display Sign Mayfair London£1000 $1286.8   €1195.3 Double Sided Rolex Shop Display Sign Mayfair LondonCheshire Antiques Consultant Squirrel NUT CRACKER£35 $45.04   €41.84 Squirrel NUT CRACKERThose Were The Days Victory Bell Second World War   Victory Bell Second World War Westbank Antiques Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Aluminum Milk ChurnHobson May Collection
Long Florescent Ceiling Lights£600 $772.08   €717.18 Long Florescent Ceiling LightsD And A Binder Ltd Aluminium And Glass Crab Coffee Table  Aluminium And Glass Crab Coffee TableArt Furniture Aluminium Cabinet£225 $289.53   €268.94 Aluminium CabinetPeppermill Interiors Garden Table And Chairs By Hall Bradley Calcutta  Garden Table And Chairs By Hall Bradley 'Calcutta'Twojays Corner Antiques
Garden Bench In The Coalbrookdale Style £180 $231.62   €215.15 Garden Bench In The Coalbrookdale Style Smiths Vintage Garden Table And Two Chairs £285 $366.74   €340.66 Garden Table And Two Chairs Smiths Vintage Italian Brushed Aluminium Wall Spotlights£125 $160.85   €149.41 Italian Brushed Aluminium Wall SpotlightsKadensek And Ward Alutec Chrome And Bentwood Chairs.£485 $624.1   €579.72 Alutec Chrome And Bentwood Chairs.Cavers Antiques
Large 20th Century Cast Aluminium Coat Of Arms£1950.00 $2509.26   €2330.84 Large 20th Century Cast Aluminium Coat Of ArmsBlank Canvas Antiques Vintage Aluminium Garden Set  Vintage Aluminium Garden SetEras Of Style 1936 Emerson 10" Silver Swan Oscillating Desk Fan£215.00 $276.66   €256.99 1936 Emerson 10" Silver Swan Oscillating Desk FanAntique Fan Supply Co. Aluminium Garden Bench£450 $579.06   €537.89 Aluminium Garden BenchChurch Street Antiques
Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk Churn  Old French Nestle Polished Metal Milk ChurnHobson May Collection Italian Pineapple Ice Bucket By Mauro Manetti.  Italian Pineapple Ice Bucket By Mauro Manetti.The Furniture Rooms Pair Jorge Pensi Chairs  Pair Jorge Pensi ChairsKadensek And Ward Three Vintage British GPO Telegraph Pole Finials£135.00 $173.72   €161.37 Three Vintage British GPO Telegraph Pole FinialsLytham Antiques & Reclamation
SOLD -ART DECO WWII French Aluminium Airplane1940s  SOLD -ART DECO WWII French Aluminium Airplane1940sArtdecoart USA Attend To Derailing Switch Railway Sign,c1950£145 $186.59   €173.32 USA 'Attend To Derailing Switch Railway Sign,c1950Curious Antiques WWII Africa Desert Air Force Trench Art£125 $160.85   €149.41 WWII Africa Desert Air Force Trench ArtForte Antiques York 1970s Italian Pair Of Ceiling Lights  1970s Italian Pair Of Ceiling LightsKadensek And Ward
Herbert Terry & Sons Anglepoise Lamp  Herbert Terry & Sons Anglepoise LampKadensek And Ward Aluminium Hat Stretcher£420 $540.46   €502.03 Aluminium Hat StretcherD And A Binder Ltd Lovely Pair Opera Glasses£135 $173.72   €161.37 Lovely Pair Opera GlassesKingsdown Antiques Vintage Garden Table And Chairs £185 $238.06   €221.13 Vintage Garden Table And Chairs Smiths Vintage