Antique Rifles

Found 273 For Sale and Sold    ( 72 for sale  201 sold )  
1907 Bayonet And Scabbard For The Enfield Rifle£80 $103.13   €95.34 1907 Bayonet And Scabbard For The Enfield RifleSmiths Vintage 1907 Bayonet By Sanderson£120 $154.69   €143 1907 Bayonet By SandersonSmiths Vintage Lee Metford Bayonet £70 $90.24   €83.42 Lee Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage Snider Enfield Breech Loading Musket£695 $895.92   €828.23 Snider Enfield Breech Loading MusketDecades Of Antiques
Blunderbuss By J. Rigby, Dublin£1990.00 $2565.31   €2371.48 Blunderbuss By J. Rigby, DublinLemon Tree Antiques "Albion Grove" Rifle Club Spoon Elkington & Co£25 $32.23   €29.79 "Albion Grove" Rifle Club Spoon Elkington & CoArthur Vandyk Antiques Antique Black Forest Carved Wooden Hunting Themed £1450 $1869.2   €1727.97 Antique Black Forest Carved Wooden Hunting Themed Northern Antiques - Northumberland Antique Bavarian Beer Stein, German, Pewter, Jug£685 $883.03   €816.31 Antique Bavarian Beer Stein, German, Pewter, JugLondon Fine Antiques
Rosewood & Marble Top Sideboard With Robinson Crus£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 Rosewood & Marble Top Sideboard With Robinson CrusCollinge Antiques A Victorian Silver Gun Cartridge Pepper Pot£165 $212.7   €196.63 A Victorian Silver Gun Cartridge Pepper PotOsbourne Antiques Eley Display Cartridge Wall Mounted Garage £500 $644.55   €595.85 Eley Display Cartridge Wall Mounted Garage Northern Antiques - Northumberland Ross Mk II Rifle Bayonet First World War  Ross Mk II Rifle Bayonet First World WarAntique Rarities
Victorian Drummers Short Sword  Victorian Drummer's Short SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Rifle Volunteers Officers Sword   Victorian Rifle Volunteers Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Sykes Patent Powder Flask£80 $103.13   €95.34 Sykes Patent Powder FlaskSmiths Vintage Vintage Silver Plated Crossed Muskets Toast Rack£175 $225.59   €208.55 Vintage Silver Plated Crossed Muskets Toast RackBurnell And Rowe
Circa WW1 Rifle Brigade Embroidered Silk   Circa WW1 Rifle Brigade Embroidered Silk Hunter Campbell Antiques Pair Of Flintlock Pistols By Delpine, Paris£2100.00 $2707.11   €2502.57 Pair Of Flintlock Pistols By Delpine, ParisLemon Tree Antiques French 19th Century Bayonet Fire Irons£385 $496.3   €458.8 French 19th Century Bayonet Fire IronsAnthony Wilkinson Antiques Martini Henry  455 Calibre , Early 1876/78 £975 $1256.87   €1161.91 Martini Henry 455 Calibre , Early 1876/78 CAG Militaria
Confederate Beaumont -Adams Revolver£1975 $2545.97   €2353.61 Confederate Beaumont -Adams RevolverCAG Militaria Webley MK 11 Service Air Rifle £475 $612.32   €566.06 Webley MK 11 Service Air Rifle Smiths Vintage Socket Bayonet For The Brown Bess Musket 1810£55 $70.9   €65.54 Socket Bayonet For The Brown Bess Musket 1810Smiths Vintage Socket Bayonet For The Brown Bess£120 $154.69   €143 Socket Bayonet For The Brown BessSmiths Vintage
Bayonet For The Lee Metford Rifle £285 $367.39   €339.63 Bayonet For The Lee Metford Rifle Smiths Vintage Rifle Brigade Officers Sword Silver Plated 1837£650 $837.92   €774.61 Rifle Brigade Officers Sword Silver Plated 1837CAG Militaria George V Rifle Officers Sword In Scabbard  George V Rifle Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Wilkinson Rifle Officers Sword  Victorian Wilkinson Rifle Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques