Antique Rifles

Found 273 For Sale and Sold    ( 72 for sale  201 sold )  
Victorian Kent Rifle Officers Sword In Scabbard £275 $354.5   €327.72 Victorian Kent Rifle Officers Sword In Scabbard Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian Brass Three Piece Bayonet Fireiron  Set£145 $186.92   €172.8 Victorian Brass Three Piece Bayonet Fireiron SetChristopher Walker Antiques Mid Victorian Rifle Officers Presentation Sword£395 $509.19   €470.72 Mid Victorian Rifle Officers Presentation SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Antique Silver Double Watch Chain, Rifle Club£155 $199.81   €184.71 Antique Silver Double Watch Chain, Rifle ClubThe Vintage Wrist Watch Company
Victorian Cornwall Militia Rifles Sword £465 $599.43   €554.14 Victorian Cornwall Militia Rifles Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Edward VII Rifle Officers Sword By Edward Smith£275 $354.5   €327.72 Edward VII Rifle Officers Sword By Edward SmithChristopher Walker Antiques Manchester Volunteer Rifles  Sword &  Sam Brown £895 $1153.74   €1066.57 Manchester Volunteer Rifles Sword & Sam Brown Sovereign Antiques Victorian Queens Westminster Rifles Sword£385 $496.3   €458.8 Victorian Queens Westminster Rifles SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Antique 3 Band Snider Rifle £800 $1031.28   €953.36 Antique 3 Band Snider Rifle Smiths Vintage Volunteers Worcestershire Rifles 1844 Bayonet£495 $638.1   €589.89 Volunteers Worcestershire Rifles 1844 BayonetSovereign Antiques Fully Restored Victorian Gun Collectors Cabinet£13500 $17402.85   €16087.95 Fully Restored Victorian Gun Collectors CabinetWimbledon Furniture Ltd American Bayonet.£95 $122.46   €113.21 American Bayonet.Michaels Militaria
Quirky Hunting & Shooting Floor Lamp£500 $644.55   €595.85 Quirky Hunting & Shooting Floor LampElmgarden A Set Of 10 Hand Carved Napoleonic Soldiers C 1930£1495 $1927.2   €1781.59 A Set Of 10 Hand Carved Napoleonic Soldiers C 1930Robert Belcher Antiques Bayonet American Civil War Era£250 $322.28   €297.93 Bayonet American Civil War EraSovereign Antiques BAYONET Rourke Rifts Era  £125 $161.14   €148.96 BAYONET Rourke Rifts Era Sovereign Antiques
2 Sheffield Plate Silver Trophy Shields, Southwark£775 $999.05   €923.57 2 Sheffield Plate Silver Trophy Shields, SouthwarkElmgarden Antique Novelty Silver Pepperette£345 $444.74   €411.14 Antique Novelty Silver PepperetteSelect Antiques Original AMERICAN Colour Large Lithograph Hunter£20.00 $25.78   €23.83 Original AMERICAN Colour Large Lithograph HunterArtdecoart An Early Indian Shield £400 $515.64   €476.68 An Early Indian Shield Smiths Vintage
Leg Of Mutton Shotgun Case£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 'Leg Of Mutton' Shotgun CaseLeslie And Baggott 2 X Silver Rifle Club Prize Spoons, Sheffield 1919£50 $64.46   €59.59 2 X Silver Rifle Club Prize Spoons, Sheffield 1919Burnell And Rowe Carved Wood Plaque Guatemalan Independence£175.00 $225.59   €208.55 Carved Wood Plaque Guatemalan IndependenceLemon Tree Antiques Gentleman’s Portmanteau, Steamer Trunk By Morits Madler£1600 $2062.56   €1906.72 Gentleman’s Portmanteau, Steamer Trunk By Morits MadlerElmgarden
British Brunswick Bayonet.£295 $380.28   €351.55 British Brunswick Bayonet.Michaels Militaria German Soldiers  Belt And Pouches For Mauser Rifle£250 $322.28   €297.93 German Soldiers Belt And Pouches For Mauser RifleSovereign Antiques Lancaster Bayonet£150 $193.37   €178.76 Lancaster BayonetMichaels Militaria British 03 Bayonet.£165 $212.7   €196.63 British 03 Bayonet.Michaels Militaria