Antique Rifles

Found 273 For Sale and Sold    ( 72 for sale  201 sold )  
Antique Stone Musket Ball Mould  Antique Stone Musket Ball MouldPareglio & Ayres Antiques 1827 Pattern Rifle Officers Sword - 39 Middlesex£395 $509.19   €470.72 1827 Pattern Rifle Officers Sword - 39 MiddlesexChristopher Walker Antiques Stripping Tool For The Martin Henry Rifle£180 $232.04   €214.51 Stripping Tool For The Martin Henry RifleSmiths Vintage Enfield Musket Sargents Stripping Tool  Enfield Musket Sargents Stripping ToolSmiths Vintage
Victorian 1845 Rifle Officers Sword £290 $373.84   €345.59 Victorian 1845 Rifle Officers Sword P.N.V Antiques Marlin  Lever Action Rifle Model 1892£1660 $2139.91   €1978.22 Marlin Lever Action Rifle Model 1892Smiths Vintage 1827 Pat Rifle Officer’s Sword   1827 Pat Rifle Officer’s Sword Smiths Vintage Irish 1827 Rifle Officer Sword Casualty £900 $1160.19   €1072.53 Irish 1827 Rifle Officer Sword Casualty KOE Antiques
Vintage Wooden Gun/Rifle Carry Case  Vintage Wooden Gun/Rifle Carry CaseFounders Antiques Metford Bayonet £65 $83.79   €77.46 Metford Bayonet Smiths Vintage BSA Air Rifle £225 $290.05   €268.13 BSA Air Rifle Smiths Vintage A 19th Century French Bolt Action Rifle.£950 $1224.65   €1132.12 A 19th Century French Bolt Action Rifle.Youngs Antiques
Three North Western Frontier Flintlock Muskets.£3000 $3867.3   €3575.1 Three North Western Frontier Flintlock Muskets.Youngs Antiques Cut Glass, Silver Plate & Horn Stag Inkwell C.1901  Cut Glass, Silver Plate & Horn Stag Inkwell C.1901Puckerings Antiques Gloucester Volunteer Rifles Sword 1853 With Crest£795 $1024.83   €947.4 Gloucester Volunteer Rifles Sword 1853 With CrestCAG Militaria Tower Marked Enfield 1853 Pattern Rifle Musket £750 $966.83   €893.78 Tower Marked Enfield 1853 Pattern Rifle Musket CAG Militaria
Martini Henry 303 Deactivated , Irish Interest £875 $1127.96   €1042.74 Martini Henry 303 Deactivated , Irish Interest CAG Militaria World War 2 German K98 Deactivated Rifle £750 $966.83   €893.78 World War 2 German K98 Deactivated Rifle CAG Militaria World War 2 , Deactivated Moschetto Cavalry Rifle£575 $741.23   €685.23 World War 2 , Deactivated Moschetto Cavalry RifleCAG Militaria An Early 19th Century Jezail Rifle.£300 $386.73   €357.51 An Early 19th Century Jezail Rifle.Youngs Antiques
An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.£300 $386.73   €357.51 An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.Youngs Antiques An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.£480 $618.77   €572.02 An 18th Century Ottoman Flintlock Pistol.Youngs Antiques Victorian Lockable Gun Rack £860 $1108.63   €1024.86 Victorian Lockable Gun Rack Smiths Vintage Victorian Steel Rifles Musicians Sidearm  Victorian Steel Rifles Musicians SidearmChristopher Walker Antiques
Rare Victorian Silver Plated Rifle Toast Rack 1871  Rare Victorian Silver Plated Rifle Toast Rack 1871The Fancy Fox Cartridge Display Case Ely £500 $644.55   €595.85 Cartridge Display Case Ely Smiths Vintage East India Flintlock Blunderbuss £685 $883.03   €816.31 East India Flintlock Blunderbuss Smiths Vintage Enfield Musket Sergeants Tool   Enfield Musket Sergeants Tool Smiths Vintage