Brass Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 397 For Sale and Sold    ( 65 for sale  332 sold )  
19th Century French Gladius Sidearm By Talabot  19th Century French Gladius Sidearm By TalabotChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Continental Light Cavalry Sword  Victorian Continental Light Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   1796 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Christopher Walker Antiques WW2 Japanese Katana In Scabbard  WW2 Japanese Katana In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid Victorian Belgian Infantry Officers  Sword  Mid Victorian Belgian Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Late Georgian Brass Hilted Cutlass By Gunby  Late Georgian Brass Hilted Cutlass By GunbyChristopher Walker Antiques Early 20th Century Small Brass Desk Cannon  Early 20th Century Small Brass Desk CannonChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 Pattern Bronze Hilted Sabre  1796 Pattern Bronze Hilted SabreChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century Brass Mounted Khyber Knife  Mid 19th Century Brass Mounted Khyber KnifeChristopher Walker Antiques French 1877 Gras Bayonet  French 1877 Gras BayonetChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 19th Century HAC Gilt Hilted Sword  Mid 19th Century HAC Gilt Hilted SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Antique German Made Sword In Scabbard  Antique German Made Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
Antique Brass Hilted French Sidearm £70 $87.66   €84.02 Antique Brass Hilted French Sidearm Smiths Vintage Trench Art WW1£110 $137.75   €132.03 Trench Art WW1Smiths Vintage Late 19th Century Arabic Jambiya With Horn Hilt  Late 19th Century Arabic Jambiya With Horn HiltChristopher Walker Antiques Late 19th Century Large Brass Mounted Kukri  Late 19th Century Large Brass Mounted KukriChristopher Walker Antiques
French 1845/55 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword  French 1845/55 Pattern Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Brass Hilted Scottish NCOs Sword  Victorian Brass Hilted Scottish NCO's SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Infantry Officers Sword By Hart   Victorian Infantry Officers Sword By Hart Christopher Walker Antiques Brass French Infantry Officers Sword  Brass French Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century German Gladius Side Arm   Mid 19th Century German Gladius Side Arm Christopher Walker Antiques Rare Childs Size Mid 18th Century Small Sword  Rare Childs Size Mid 18th Century Small SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 18th Century Steel Hilted Small Sword   18th Century Steel Hilted Small Sword Christopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Chinese Boxer Rebellion Period Sword  19th Century Chinese Boxer Rebellion Period SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
French Light Cavalry Troopers Sword Dated 1882  French Light Cavalry Troopers Sword Dated 1882Christopher Walker Antiques Early 19th Century Ottoman Shamshir Sword  Early 19th Century Ottoman Shamshir SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Tiv Axe 1900£245 $306.81   €294.07 Tiv Axe 1900Smiths Vintage A Victorian Model Of A Battery Gun£375 $469.61   €450.11 A Victorian Model Of A Battery GunSmiths Vintage