Brass Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 397 For Sale and Sold    ( 65 for sale  332 sold )  
Mid 19th Century Moro Barong Sword  Mid 19th Century Moro Barong SwordChristopher Walker Antiques William IV Gilded Infantry Officers Sword   William IV Gilded Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques WW1 Period Bavarian Officers Sword   WW1 Period Bavarian Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Prussian Infantry Officers Sword  19th Century Prussian Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Rare 1872 Saxon Artillerymens Sidearm  Rare 1872 Saxon Artillerymen's SidearmChristopher Walker Antiques Brass Mounted Naval Presentation Sword   Brass Mounted Naval Presentation Sword Christopher Walker Antiques VR Sergeants Infantry Sword In Scabbard By Mole  VR Sergeants Infantry Sword In Scabbard By MoleChristopher Walker Antiques French Victorian Cavalry Sword In Iron Scabbard  French Victorian Cavalry Sword In Iron ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques
 Wall  Arts & Crafts Brass Shield With Cross Swords  Wall Arts & Crafts Brass Shield With Cross SwordsElmgarden Mid 19th Century Piso Podang  Mid 19th Century Piso PodangChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Warrant Officers Naval Sword  Victorian Warrant Officers Naval SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Mould For Beaumont Adams£185 $231.68   €222.06 Mould For Beaumont AdamsSmiths Vintage
Early 19th Century French Masonic Sword   Early 19th Century French Masonic Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Eastern, Possibly Indian, Naval Sword  Eastern, Possibly Indian, Naval SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century German Briquet Sidearm By WK&C  19th Century German Briquet Sidearm By WK&CChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 19th Century Belgian Infantry Officers Sword   Mid 19th Century Belgian Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
Victorian Dutch Infantry Officers Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Dutch Infantry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Officers Dress Sword  1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Officers Dress SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Continental Cavalry Sword In Scabbard  19th Century Continental Cavalry Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Chinese Hudiedao River Pirates Dagger  19th Century Chinese Hudiedao River Pirates DaggerChristopher Walker Antiques
19th Century French Court Sword With Blue And Gilt  19th Century French Court Sword With Blue And GiltChristopher Walker Antiques Early 20th Century Naval Sword By J.Friedeberg  Early 20th Century Naval Sword By J.FriedebergChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Prussian Side Arm  19th Century Prussian Side ArmChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 18th Century Hunting Hanger Sword  Mid 18th Century Hunting Hanger SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
20th Century Scottish Dirk By Kirkwood  20th Century Scottish Dirk By KirkwoodChristopher Walker Antiques French 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   French 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques WWI Trench Art Brass Shell Case Lidded Pot, 1917£65 $81.4   €78.02 WWI Trench Art Brass Shell Case Lidded Pot, 1917Forte Antiques York 19th Century Prussian Side Arm  19th Century Prussian Side ArmChristopher Walker Antiques