Brass Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 397 For Sale and Sold    ( 65 for sale  332 sold )  
Victorian Italian Breguet Sidearm   Victorian Italian Breguet Sidearm Christopher Walker Antiques  19th Century Continental Cavalry Sword  19th Century Continental Cavalry SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 19th Century British 1856 Pattern Saw-back Pioneer  19th Century British 1856 Pattern Saw-back PioneerChristopher Walker Antiques Late 19th Century American Masonic Sword  Late 19th Century American Masonic SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   Victorian 1845 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Christopher Walker Antiques Late 19th/ Early 20th Century Jambaya Dagger   Late 19th/ Early 20th Century Jambaya Dagger Christopher Walker Antiques French Late 19th Century Medical Officers Sword  French Late 19th Century Medical Officer's SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
French 1882 Pattern WW1 Infantry Officers Sword  French 1882 Pattern WW1 Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 1796 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword   1796 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Christopher Walker Antiques George V British Medical Officers Sword  George V British Medical Officer's SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Early French Restoration Sabre In Scabbard   Early French Restoration Sabre In Scabbard Christopher Walker Antiques
Early 18th Century Stag Horn Hunting Hanger  Early 18th Century Stag Horn Hunting HangerChristopher Walker Antiques French Second Empire Musicians Sword  French Second Empire Musicians SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Brass Hilted Sidearm Gladius£66 $82.65   €79.22 Brass Hilted Sidearm GladiusSaltwood Antiques European Navel Dirk   European Navel Dirk Smiths Vintage
Mid 18th Century Continental Hunting Hanger, Sword  Mid 18th Century Continental Hunting Hanger, SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Masonic Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Masonic Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Belgian Brass Percussion Pistol£225 $281.77   €270.07 Belgian Brass Percussion PistolLincolnshire Antiques A Superb Pair Of Brass Desk Cannons£95 $118.97   €114.03 A Superb Pair Of Brass Desk CannonsLincolnshire Antiques
1856 Pattern Saw Back British Sidearm By Wilkinson£410 $513.44   €492.12 1856 Pattern Saw Back British Sidearm By WilkinsonChristopher Walker Antiques Early 19th Century French Cuirassiers Sword  Early 19th Century French Cuirassiers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Cannon Swivel Cannonade£395 $494.66   €474.12 Victorian Cannon Swivel CannonadeQuillon Antiques 1864 US Civil War Cavalry Troopers Sword  1864 US Civil War Cavalry Troopers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Mid 19th Century Prussian Brass Hilted Sidearm  Mid 19th Century Prussian Brass Hilted SidearmChristopher Walker Antiques 1865 US Civil War Cavalry Trooper Sword  1865 US Civil War Cavalry Trooper SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Infantry Officers Sword In Scabbard  Victorian Infantry Officers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Gothic Hilted Infantry Officers Sword   Victorian Gothic Hilted Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques