Antique Furniture

Found 156011 For Sale and Sold    ( 21892 for sale  134119 sold )  
Beautiful Set Of Four Regency Maple Dining Chairs £250 $323.58   €298 Beautiful Set Of Four Regency Maple Dining Chairs Webberley Antiques Beautiful 19th Century Biedermeier Sofa C. 1830£750 $970.73   €894 Beautiful 19th Century Biedermeier Sofa C. 1830Webberley Antiques Original Pair Of Biedermeier Armchairs C.1830£950 $1229.59   €1132.4 Original Pair Of Biedermeier Armchairs C.1830Webberley Antiques French Sewing Table£195 $252.39   €232.44 French Sewing TableYew Tree Antiques Warehouse
1800s Bow Front Chest£245 $317.1   €292.04 1800s Bow Front ChestYew Tree Antiques Warehouse 1800s Court Cupboard£295 $381.82   €351.64 1800s Court CupboardYew Tree Antiques Warehouse Victorian Mahogany Chiffonier£825 $1067.8   €983.4 Victorian Mahogany ChiffonierSalisbury Antiques Centre Queen Anne Oak Lowboy C1715£2150 $2782.75   €2562.8 Queen Anne Oak Lowboy C1715Salisbury Antiques Centre
6 Antique Dining Room Chairs, English, Walnut£2850 $3688.76   €3397.2 6 Antique Dining Room Chairs, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques Geo III Mahogany Bowfront Sideboard£2650 $3429.9   €3158.8 Geo III Mahogany Bowfront SideboardSalisbury Antiques Centre George III Cellaret£895 $1158.4   €1066.84 George III CellaretSalisbury Antiques Centre 18thc Mahogany Chest On Chest With Superb Patina£4650.00 $6018.5   €5542.8 18thc Mahogany Chest On Chest With Superb PatinaLVS Decorative Arts
Regency Twin Pillar Dining Table£3950 $5112.49   €4708.4 Regency Twin Pillar Dining TableSalisbury Antiques Centre George III Period Chest Of Drawers£1650 $2135.6   €1966.8 George III Period Chest Of DrawersSalisbury Antiques Centre 19th Century Mahogany Bowfront Chest Of Exceptiona£2250 $2912.18   €2682 19th Century Mahogany Bowfront Chest Of ExceptionaMartlesham Antiques Set Of 6 Sheraton Period Mahogany Dining Chairs£1350 $1747.31   €1609.2 Set Of 6 Sheraton Period Mahogany Dining ChairsSalisbury Antiques Centre
Antique Morning Room Side Chair, English, Walnut£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Antique Morning Room Side Chair, English, WalnutLondon Fine Antiques Pair Of Quality Antique Rosewood Side Chairs£885 $1145.46   €1054.92 Pair Of Quality Antique Rosewood Side ChairsLondon City Antiques Geo III Mahogany Commode Stool£595 $770.11   €709.24 Geo III Mahogany Commode StoolSalisbury Antiques Centre George II Cherrywood Lowboy£1950 $2523.89   €2324.4 George II Cherrywood LowboySalisbury Antiques Centre
Edwardian Satinwood & Tulipwood Banded Glazed Cabi£1650 $2135.6   €1966.8 Edwardian Satinwood & Tulipwood Banded Glazed CabiSalisbury Antiques Centre 19thC Mahogany Corner Cupboard£1600 $2070.88   €1907.2 19thC Mahogany Corner CupboardSalisbury Antiques Centre Regency Mahogany & Brass Bound Wine Cooler/  Cella£1350 $1747.31   €1609.2 Regency Mahogany & Brass Bound Wine Cooler/ CellaPaul Watson Antiques C19th Mahogany  6 Leg Long Hall Bench£950 $1229.59   €1132.4 C19th Mahogany 6 Leg Long Hall BenchPaul Watson Antiques
Queen Anne Style Burr Walnut Dressing Table With S£1150 $1488.45   €1370.8 Queen Anne Style Burr Walnut Dressing Table With SPaul Watson Antiques Vintage Campaign Tea Table, Burmese, Carved Teak£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Vintage Campaign Tea Table, Burmese, Carved TeakLondon Fine Antiques A Fine William IV Rosewood Bergere Chair£2450 $3171.04   €2920.4 A Fine William IV Rosewood Bergere ChairGravener Antiques Pair Of Victorian Mahogany Hall Chairs£450 $582.44   €536.4 Pair Of Victorian Mahogany Hall ChairsSalisbury Antiques Centre

 Antique Furniture