Antique Furniture

Found 156006 For Sale and Sold    ( 21882 for sale  134124 sold )  
Pair Of Art Deco Mahogany Open Armchairs£1400 $1812.02   €1668.8 Pair Of Art Deco Mahogany Open ArmchairsMarylebone Antiques Art Deco Figured Walnut Dressing Table Vanity Unit£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Art Deco Figured Walnut Dressing Table Vanity UnitYola Gray Antiques 19th Century Walnut Partners Desk£11600 $15013.88   €13827.2 19th Century Walnut Partners DeskMartlesham Antiques Pair Of 20thc. Railway Stools£320 $414.18   €381.44 Pair Of 20thc. Railway StoolsPiers Pisani Antiques
18thc Oak Close Stool With Ring Handles£550 $711.87   €655.6 18thc Oak Close Stool With Ring HandlesPiers Pisani Antiques Pair Of 19thc Mahogany Bedside Cabinets£1550 $2006.17   €1847.6 Pair Of 19thc Mahogany Bedside CabinetsPiers Pisani Antiques 19thc Mahogany Cheese Coaster£475 $614.79   €566.2 19thc Mahogany Cheese CoasterPiers Pisani Antiques 17th Century Oak Refectory Table£2850 $3688.76   €3397.2 17th Century Oak Refectory TableMartlesham Antiques
Art Deco Figured Walnut Occasional / Coffee Table£1100 $1423.73   €1311.2 Art Deco Figured Walnut Occasional / Coffee TableMarylebone Antiques Heals Of London 1920’s Bookcase & Cupboard £895 $1158.4   €1066.84 Heals Of London 1920’s Bookcase & Cupboard Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Superb Pair Of Heals Antique Oak Wall Cabinets – Labelled£1250 $1617.88   €1490 Superb Pair Of Heals Antique Oak Wall Cabinets – LabelledMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Art Deco Figured Walnut Stool£725 $938.37   €864.2 Art Deco Figured Walnut StoolMarylebone Antiques
Beautiful Regency Antique Painted Pine Bookcase£1450 $1876.74   €1728.4 Beautiful Regency Antique Painted Pine BookcaseMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Art Deco Figured Walnut Occasional Side Table£695 $899.54   €828.44 Art Deco Figured Walnut Occasional Side TableMarylebone Antiques Pair Of Art Deco Walnut Bedside Cabinets£1250 $1617.88   €1490 Pair Of Art Deco Walnut Bedside CabinetsMarylebone Antiques  Antique Georgian Quality Mahogany Drop Leaf Table£1385 $1792.61   €1650.92 Antique Georgian Quality Mahogany Drop Leaf TableLondon City Antiques
Antique Quality Parquetry Inlaid Commode Chest£1850 $2394.46   €2205.2 Antique Quality Parquetry Inlaid Commode ChestLondon City Antiques Edwardian Walnut Revolving Bookcase£550 $711.87   €655.6 Edwardian Walnut Revolving BookcaseSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Victorian Mahogany Wellington Chest£1250 $1617.88   €1490 Victorian Mahogany Wellington ChestSinclairs Antiques And Interiors Arts & Crafts Oak Dressing Chest£275.00 $355.93   €327.8 Arts & Crafts Oak Dressing ChestCeltic Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Wardrobe£1150 $1488.45   €1370.8 Georgian Mahogany WardrobeLT Antiques Super Victorian Four Poster King Size Bed£3995 $5170.73   €4762.04 Super Victorian Four Poster King Size BedFernyhough Antiques Good Mahogany And Parcel Gilt Side End Table£595 $770.11   €709.24 Good Mahogany And Parcel Gilt Side End TableFernyhough Antiques Outstanding French Side Table£1295 $1676.12   €1543.64 Outstanding French Side TableFernyhough Antiques
Good Pair French Painted Bedside Lamp Chests£895 $1158.4   €1066.84 Good Pair French Painted Bedside Lamp ChestsFernyhough Antiques Superb Pair Commode Chests Of Drawers£1750 $2265.03   €2086 Superb Pair Commode Chests Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Set Of 6 Victorian Mahogany Dining Chairs£695 $899.54   €828.44 Set Of 6 Victorian Mahogany Dining ChairsCamden Antiques Inlaid Mahogany And Amboyna 19th C French Bookcase£2250 $2912.18   €2682 Inlaid Mahogany And Amboyna 19th C French BookcaseCamden Antiques

 Antique Furniture