Copper Antique Furniture
Found 116 For Sale and Sold ( 18 for sale 98 sold )
$922.43 €886.88
Art Nouveau Beaten Copper Stick And Umbrella StandChurch Street Antiques
$307.48 €295.63
French Arts And Crafts, Copper Letter RackElmgarden
$4673.62 €4493.5
Keswick Copper Arts And Crafts Three Panel Screen The Two Arthurs
$430.47 €413.88
A Large Golden Copper Iron Bound Stick StandElmgarden
$799.44 €768.63
Arts And Crafts Copper Stick Stand, Umbrella StandElmgarden
$547.31 €526.21
Arts And Crafts Wall Pocket PlanterElmgarden
$614.95 €591.25
Arts And Crafts Copper And Iron Umbrella StandElmgarden
$571.9 €549.86
Arts And Crafts Copper And Brass Umbrella StandElmgarden
$608.8 €585.34
Superb Heavy French Copper And Iron Stick Stand Elmgarden
$793.29 €762.71
19th Century Brass And Copper Umbrella StandShackladys Antiques
$276.73 €266.06
Antique Victorian Oak Copper Bound Small Barrel Founders Antiques
$608.8 €585.34
Super Art Noveau Copper Stick StandFernyhough Antiques
$1617.32 €1554.99
Pair Of Antique Hall Stick Stands, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques
$553.46 €532.13
Art Nouveau Copper And Woolwork Oak Screen. Tribalism To Modernism
$1592.72 €1531.34
Pair Of Antique Stick Stands, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques
$479.66 €461.18
Antique Copper Coffee TableVictorian Four Poster Beds
$399.72 €384.31
Bretton Arts & Crafts Coper Cloakroom Wall CabinetElmgarden
$295.18 €283.8
Cubist Movement Book Holder Greyhounds In CopperAntiques Affair
Umbrella Shaped Copper And Brass Umbrella StandElmgarden
Arts & Crafts Gong With Mythical Sea SerpentRed House Antiques
$645.7 €620.81
Antique Copper & Brass Plant StandMarylebone Antiques
$239.83 €230.59
Arts & Crafts Copper & Brass Umbrella StandCarse Antiques
1930's Roast Beef Carving TrolleyJohn Howkins Antiques
Arts & Crafts Copper Stick Stand Newton ClassLevels Antiques
French Arts And Crafts Embossed Copper Stick StandElmgarden
$731.79 €703.59
Copper & Walnut Coffee Table C.1930Collinge Antiques
Arts & Crafts Oak & Copper Motto Book StandLevels Antiques
Arts & Crafts Stick Stand With A HeronRed House Antiques