Antique Furniture

Found 155981 For Sale and Sold    ( 21863 for sale  134118 sold )  
Set Of Ten Matched Victorian Balloon Back Dining Chairs£980 $1270.86   €1163.36 Set Of Ten Matched Victorian Balloon Back Dining ChairsWalton House Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Bedside Commode£795 $1030.96   €943.74 18th Century Mahogany Bedside CommodeWalton House Antiques 18th Century Mahogany Demi Lune Card Table£775 $1005.02   €920 18th Century Mahogany Demi Lune Card TableWalton House Antiques Fine Quality 18thc Sheraton Mahogany Side Table£8500.00 $11022.8   €10090.35 Fine Quality 18thc Sheraton Mahogany Side TableLVS Decorative Arts
Pair Of Carved Mahogany & Leather Library Armchair£3950 $5122.36   €4689.05 Pair Of Carved Mahogany & Leather Library ArmchairLT Antiques Heals Large Edwardian Antique Teak Trolley £740 $959.63   €878.45 Heals Large Edwardian Antique Teak Trolley Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Early Heals Of London Antique Large Oak Footstool£380 $492.78   €451.1 Early Heals Of London Antique Large Oak FootstoolMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Fabulous Georgian Antique Period Oak Kitchen Table£3950 $5122.36   €4689.05 Fabulous Georgian Antique Period Oak Kitchen TableMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd
Huge English 19thC Antique Painted Dining Table£1950 $2528.76   €2314.85 Huge English 19thC Antique Painted Dining TableMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd English 19th Century Antique Fruit Wood Tavern Settle£895 $1160.64   €1062.45 English 19th Century Antique Fruit Wood Tavern SettleMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Regency Rosewood Open Adjustable Library Bookcase£1295 $1679.36   €1537.29 Regency Rosewood Open Adjustable Library BookcaseFernyhough Antiques Pretty Victorian Trolly£495 $641.92   €587.61 Pretty Victorian TrollyFernyhough Antiques
Outstanding Tall Mahogany Open Adjustable Library £1295 $1679.36   €1537.29 Outstanding Tall Mahogany Open Adjustable Library Fernyhough Antiques French Oak Farmhouse Kitchen Refrectory Table£1795 $2327.76   €2130.84 French Oak Farmhouse Kitchen Refrectory TableFernyhough Antiques Lovely Victorian Mahogany Armchair£795 $1030.96   €943.74 Lovely Victorian Mahogany ArmchairFernyhough Antiques Antique Burr Walnut Pie Crust Wine Table£375 $486.3   €445.16 Antique Burr Walnut Pie Crust Wine TableMarylebone Antiques
Antique Georgian Brass Inlaid Rosewood Card Table£1950 $2528.76   €2314.85 Antique Georgian Brass Inlaid Rosewood Card TableMarylebone Antiques Antique Georgian Inlaid Walnut Chess Table£575 $745.66   €682.58 Antique Georgian Inlaid Walnut Chess TableMarylebone Antiques Antique French Napoleon III Armchair£295 $382.56   €350.19 Antique French Napoleon III ArmchairHarmony Antiques Antique French Marble Top Bistro Table£325 $421.46   €385.81 Antique French Marble Top Bistro TableHarmony Antiques
Antique Mahogany Concave Leather Top Desk£1950 $2528.76   €2314.85 Antique Mahogany Concave Leather Top DeskMarylebone Antiques Antique Burr Walnut Pie Crust Coffee Table£495 $641.92   €587.61 Antique Burr Walnut Pie Crust Coffee TableMarylebone Antiques William IV Mahogany Breakfront Library Bookcase£4500 $5835.6   €5341.95 William IV Mahogany Breakfront Library BookcaseKnight Fine Antiques & Collectables Victorian Cabinet With Pigeon Holes And Tambour£195.00 $252.88   €231.48 Victorian Cabinet With Pigeon Holes And TambourCuriosity House Antiques
A Victoria Walnut & Leather Desk Chair£1450 $1880.36   €1721.3 A Victoria Walnut & Leather Desk ChairGravener Antiques Superb French 19thc Japanese Style Display Cabinet£5750.00 $7456.6   €6825.83 Superb French 19thc Japanese Style Display CabinetLVS Decorative Arts Antique French Napoleon III Armchair£295 $382.56   €350.19 Antique French Napoleon III ArmchairHarmony Antiques Edwardian Oak Tilt And Swivel Office Chair£145.00 $188.04   €172.13 Edwardian Oak Tilt And Swivel Office ChairCuriosity House Antiques

 Antique Furniture