Antique Furniture

Found 155986 For Sale and Sold    ( 21873 for sale  134113 sold )  
Georgian Oak Childs Stool With Drawer£595 $771.6   €706.32 Georgian Oak Childs Stool With DrawerWalton House Antiques Pair French Marquetry Bedside Chests Of Drawers£995 $1290.32   €1181.16 Pair French Marquetry Bedside Chests Of DrawersFernyhough Antiques Large Pine Kitchen Table£450 $583.56   €534.2 Large Pine Kitchen TableNethermill Antiques Early Victorian Mahogany Library Armchair£895 $1160.64   €1062.45 Early Victorian Mahogany Library ArmchairFernyhough Antiques
Pair French Marquetry Bedside Lamp Tables £995 $1290.32   €1181.16 Pair French Marquetry Bedside Lamp Tables Fernyhough Antiques Pair Regency Style Lamp Tables£995 $1290.32   €1181.16 Pair Regency Style Lamp TablesFernyhough Antiques Victorian Childs High Correction Chair W91£365 $473.33   €433.29 Victorian Childs High Correction Chair W91Prichard Antiques Golden Oak Single Wardrobe £550 $713.24   €652.91 Golden Oak Single Wardrobe Worboys Antiques And Clocks
19th Century Padouk Fold-over Games Table£1250 $1621   €1483.88 19th Century Padouk Fold-over Games TableSinclairs Antiques And Interiors 18th Century Period Oak Chest Of Drawers£1250 $1621   €1483.88 18th Century Period Oak Chest Of DrawersElmgarden Antiques Edwardian Mahogany Open Bookcase Lamb Of Mancheste£675 $875.34   €801.29 Edwardian Mahogany Open Bookcase Lamb Of ManchesteCamden Antiques Substantial French Oak Wall Shelf£285 $369.59   €338.32 Substantial French Oak Wall ShelfWorboys Antiques And Clocks
Edwardian Mahogany Open Waterfall Bookcase £360 $466.85   €427.36 Edwardian Mahogany Open Waterfall Bookcase Worboys Antiques And Clocks Small George III Faded Mahogany Kneehole Desk£595 $771.6   €706.32 Small George III Faded Mahogany Kneehole DeskTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Square Chinese Urn Stand C.1900£595 $771.6   €706.32 Square Chinese Urn Stand C.1900Collinge Antiques Carved Oak Possibly Black Forest Game Cupboard£450.00 $583.56   €534.2 Carved Oak Possibly Black Forest Game CupboardEmma Jane Antiques
Large Antique Oak Georgian Geometric Cupboard£1550.00 $2010.04   €1840.01 Large Antique Oak Georgian Geometric CupboardEmma Jane Antiques Floor Standing Georgian Corner Cupboard£550.00 $713.24   €652.91 Floor Standing Georgian Corner CupboardEmma Jane Antiques Antique Mahogany Demi Lune Sideboard£735 $953.15   €872.52 Antique Mahogany Demi Lune SideboardThe Antique Shop Sutton Bridge Moroccan Carved Libertys London Silver Tea Table£1950 $2528.76   €2314.85 Moroccan Carved Liberty's London Silver Tea TableRoyal House Antiques
Circa 1900 Blue Velvet Sofa & Armchair Suite£6950 $9012.76   €8250.35 Circa 1900 Blue Velvet Sofa & Armchair SuiteRoyal House Antiques Large Early 19thc Regency Six Drawer Writing Table£8500.00 $11022.8   €10090.35 Large Early 19thc Regency Six Drawer Writing TableLVS Decorative Arts Victorian Mappin & Webb 148pc  Canteen Of Cutlery £1150 $1491.32   €1365.17 Victorian Mappin & Webb 148pc Canteen Of Cutlery Paul Watson Antiques Fine Pair C19th French Amaranth, Marble & Gilt Lamp Tables£2800 $3631.04   €3323.88 Fine Pair C19th French Amaranth, Marble & Gilt Lamp TablesPaul Watson Antiques
Art Deco Pop Up Cocktail Table 1930’s£1350.0 $1750.68   €1602.59 Art Deco Pop Up Cocktail Table 1930’sColin Pender Antiques Art Deco Arched Display Cabinet 1930s£1650.00 $2139.72   €1958.72 Art Deco Arched Display Cabinet 1930'sColin Pender Antiques Pair Of French Highly Decorative Kingwood Commodes£5850.00 $7586.28   €6944.54 Pair Of French Highly Decorative Kingwood CommodesLVS Decorative Arts Victorian Walnut Credenza / Sideboard£750 $972.6   €890.33 Victorian Walnut Credenza / SideboardSinclairs Antiques And Interiors

 Antique Furniture