Mid Victorian Antique Treen

Found 260 For Sale and Sold    ( 72 for sale  188 sold )  
19th Century Welsh Sycamore Ladle & Cawl Spoon  19th Century Welsh Sycamore Ladle & Cawl SpoonNicholas Harrison Antiques Antique French Milliners Hat Block£125 $161.14   €148.96 Antique French Milliners Hat BlockSmiths Vintage A Large Pair Of 19th Century Black Forest Plaques £5550 $7154.51   €6613.94 A Large Pair Of 19th Century Black Forest Plaques Martlesham Antiques Scottish Bicker£425 $547.87   €506.47 Scottish BickerNewsum Antiques
You Little Devils  You Little DevilsWestbank Antiques 19th Century Brighton Bun   19th Century Brighton Bun Anthony House Antiques 19th Century Welsh Love Token Sugar Tongs  19th Century Welsh Love Token Sugar TongsNicholas Harrison Antiques Charming Treen Miniature Bellows£125.00 $161.14   €148.96 Charming Treen Miniature BellowsLemon Tree Antiques
19th Century Oak Mortar And Pestle £115 $148.25   €137.05 19th Century Oak Mortar And Pestle Anthony House Antiques Pair Of Antique Inlaid Stands  Pair Of Antique Inlaid StandsBarnhill Trading Co. Rare Victorian Patented Fruit Picker£145 $186.92   €172.8 Rare Victorian Patented Fruit PickerCarse Antiques Large Finnish Serving Ladle.  Large Finnish Serving Ladle.Anthony House Antiques
Clark & Cos Thread Reel Box£50.00 $64.46   €59.59 Clark & Co's Thread Reel BoxAbergavenny Antiques Tunbridge Ware Pot£55.00 $70.9   €65.54 Tunbridge Ware PotAbergavenny Antiques Coquilla Nutmeg Grater, Treen£250 $322.28   €297.93 Coquilla Nutmeg Grater, TreenRod Naylor Antiques Victorian Cotton Reel Stand£130 $167.58   €154.92 Victorian Cotton Reel StandTerrier Antiques
Victorian Cotton Reel Stand£145 $186.92   €172.8 Victorian Cotton Reel StandTerrier Antiques Giant Victorian Cotton Reel Holder & Pin Cushion£225 $290.05   €268.13 Giant Victorian Cotton Reel Holder & Pin CushionTerrier Antiques Wig/Hat Stand  Wig/Hat StandHawthornes Antiques A Large Sycamore Butter Scoop   A Large Sycamore Butter Scoop Anthony House Antiques
Sycamore Serving Spoon   Sycamore Serving Spoon Anthony House Antiques 19th Century Beech Herb Chopping Bowl And Cutter   19th Century Beech Herb Chopping Bowl And Cutter Anthony House Antiques 19th Century Pine Peel.   19th Century Pine Peel. Anthony House Antiques Welsh Sycamore Dairy Bowl  Welsh Sycamore Dairy BowlAnthony House Antiques
Mid Victorian Brass Bound Coopered Bucket£195 $251.37   €232.38 Mid Victorian Brass Bound Coopered BucketCarse Antiques 19th Century Carved Mahogany Wall Pocket£135 $174.03   €160.88 19th Century Carved Mahogany Wall PocketCarse Antiques Tribal Neck Rest£225 $290.05   €268.13 Tribal Neck RestNewsum Antiques 19th Century Turned Ebony Lidded Urn£135 $174.03   €160.88 19th Century Turned Ebony Lidded UrnCarse Antiques