Mid Victorian Antique Treen

Found 260 For Sale and Sold    ( 72 for sale  188 sold )  
Folk Art Victorian Carved Wooden Animals Noah£195 $251.37   €232.38 Folk Art Victorian Carved Wooden Animals NoahCloverleaf Home Interiors Antique Treen Gavel And Sounding Block  Antique Treen Gavel And Sounding BlockPrichard Antiques Late 19thC Turned & Carved Bowl£135 $174.03   €160.88 Late 19thC Turned & Carved BowlHeirloom Antiques And Interiors Primitive Frog Snuff Box£595 $767.01   €709.06 Primitive Frog Snuff BoxSantiago Ventura Antiques
19th Century Treen Solitaire Board Game. U26  19th Century Treen Solitaire Board Game. U26Prichard Antiques Late 19th Century Ladies Treen Powder Pot£56 $72.19   €66.74 Late 19th Century Ladies Treen Powder PotCarse Antiques And Restoration Decorative Duck Shooting Decoy   Decorative Duck Shooting Decoy Welsh Vernacular Furniture 19th C. Sycamore Dairy Bowl.£185 $238.48   €220.46 19th C. Sycamore Dairy Bowl.Malcolm Eglin Antiques
Black Forest Bear Tobacco Jar£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Black Forest Bear Tobacco JarGeorgian Antiques Victorian Cotton Reel Stand£265.00 $341.61   €315.8 Victorian Cotton Reel StandWoodys Antiques Stunning Black Forest Carved Treen Lidded Urn£295 $380.28   €351.55 Stunning Black Forest Carved Treen Lidded UrnCarse Antiques And Restoration 19th Century Dutch Turned Lignum Tobacco Urn£125 $161.14   €148.96 19th Century Dutch Turned Lignum Tobacco UrnCarse Antiques And Restoration
19th Century Fretted & Carved Coconut Shell Basket£60 $77.35   €71.5 19th Century Fretted & Carved Coconut Shell BasketCarse Antiques And Restoration Victorian Treen Match Box.   Victorian Treen Match Box. Prichard Antiques Victorian Treen Bottle Holder.  Victorian Treen Bottle Holder.Prichard Antiques 19thC Antique Treen Church Wardens Pipe Stand £495 $638.1   €589.89 19thC Antique Treen Church Wardens Pipe Stand Holt Antique Furniture
Antique Mahogany Tobacco Jar  Antique Mahogany Tobacco JarBarnhill Trading Co. 19th Century Hat ,Wig, Block Stand£80 $103.13   €95.34 19th Century Hat ,Wig, Block StandWestbank Antiques A Turned Wooden Table Salt Pot£68.00 $87.66   €81.04 A Turned Wooden Table Salt PotAntiques And Interiors Tunbridge Ware Painted Nested Eggs£95 $122.46   €113.21 Tunbridge Ware Painted Nested EggsRod Naylor Antiques
Antique  Marlin Spike  Antique Marlin SpikeMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques A Small Oak Spoon Rack£225.00 $290.05   €268.13 A Small Oak Spoon RackHavard And Havard Fruitwood And Ebonised Dutch Bucket£680 $876.59   €810.36 Fruitwood And Ebonised Dutch BucketMartlesham Antiques Victorian Treen Rolling Pin  Victorian Treen Rolling PinMartin And Dorothy Harper Antiques
Black Forest Carved Needlecase£35 $45.12   €41.71 Black Forest Carved NeedlecaseRod Naylor Antiques Antique Pair Of Carved Chamois Goat Heads  Antique Pair Of Carved Chamois Goat HeadsBarnhill Trading Co. Antique Gavel & Block  Antique Gavel & BlockBarnhill Trading Co. Dutch 19th Century Ribbed Mahogany Bucket£150.00 $193.37   €178.76 Dutch 19th Century Ribbed Mahogany BucketLornel Trading Ltd