Early 20th Century Antique Treen

Found 329 For Sale and Sold    ( 80 for sale  249 sold )  
Large Early 20th Century Wooden Duck Decoy£295 $372.91   €356.01 Large Early 20th Century Wooden Duck DecoyChristopher Walker Antiques Antique French Print Block£120 $151.69   €144.82 Antique French Print BlockKadensek And Ward Antique Edwardian Oak Folding Boot Jack Boot Pull£225 $284.42   €271.53 Antique Edwardian Oak Folding Boot Jack Boot PullAntique Furniture Direct Late 19th/Early 20th Century Wooden Duck Decoy£175 $221.22   €211.19 Late 19th/Early 20th Century Wooden Duck DecoyChristopher Walker Antiques
Early 20th Century Carved Golden Eye Duck Decoy£185 $233.86   €223.26 Early 20th Century Carved Golden Eye Duck DecoyChristopher Walker Antiques Antique Milliners Hat Stretcher £420 $530.92   €506.86 Antique Milliners Hat Stretcher D And A Binder Ltd Solid Beech 1920s Hat Blocks (1)£132 $166.86   €159.3 Solid Beech 1920s Hat Blocks (1)D And A Binder Ltd Solid Beech 1920s Hat Blocks (2)£132 $166.86   €159.3 Solid Beech 1920s Hat Blocks (2)D And A Binder Ltd
Antique Spice Tower£185 $233.86   €223.26 Antique Spice TowerSelect Antiques An Arts And Crafts Oak Card Carrying Folder £95 $120.09   €114.65 An Arts And Crafts Oak Card Carrying Folder Anthony House Antiques Set Of Antique Circus Jugglers Clubs, English£795 $1004.96   €959.41 Set Of Antique Circus Juggler's Clubs, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Black Forest Carved Scottie Dog£595 $752.14   €718.05 Black Forest Carved Scottie DogElmgarden
Antique Pigeon Decoy £325.00 $410.83   €392.21 Antique Pigeon Decoy Brian Knapp Antiques Trench Art Keg On Stand £95.00 $120.09   €114.65 Trench Art Keg On Stand Brian Knapp Antiques Antique Duck Decoy   Antique Duck Decoy Brian Knapp Antiques Double Antique Brick Moulds£24 $30.34   €28.96 Double Antique Brick MouldsD And A Binder Ltd
Vintage Yugoslavian Wooden Cup£37.00 $46.77   €44.65 Vintage Yugoslavian Wooden CupYore Antiques Pair Handmade Turned Hardwood Vases Zinc Liners£220.00 $278.1   €265.5 Pair Handmade Turned Hardwood Vases Zinc LinersStudio RT Ltd French Fruit Wood Hat Display Stand£425 $537.24   €512.89 French Fruit Wood Hat Display StandElmgarden A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cream Skimmer £110 $139.05   €132.75 A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cream Skimmer Anthony House Antiques
3 Early 20thc Hand Made Treen Items Including Stamp Box£250 $316.03   €301.7 3 Early 20thc Hand Made Treen Items Including Stamp BoxElmgarden A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cream Skimmer £110 $139.05   €132.75 A Late 19th Century Sycamore Cream Skimmer Anthony House Antiques Early 20th Century Decoy Duck£320.00 $404.51   €386.18 Early 20th Century Decoy DuckWilliam James Antiques And Interiors An Early 20th Century Potato Masher,£48 $60.68   €57.93 An Early 20th Century Potato Masher,Anthony House Antiques
A Welsh Sycamore Potato Masher £65 $82.17   €78.44 A Welsh Sycamore Potato Masher Anthony House Antiques Antique Letter Printers Trays Various  Antique Letter Printers Trays VariousFrogabilia Early 1900s Wooden Wig / Hat Makers Head£95 $120.09   €114.65 Early 1900s Wooden Wig / Hat Makers HeadHunter Campbell Antiques Antique French Carved Dough Bowl / Fruit Bowl£165 $208.58   €199.12 Antique French Carved Dough Bowl / Fruit BowlFounders Antiques