Early 16th Century Antiques

Found 88 For Sale and Sold    ( 15 for sale )  
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Medieval Sandstone Head 1500s£850 $1103.81   €997.56 Medieval Sandstone Head 1500sAntiquities And Artefacts Small Early 16th Century Gothic Oak Church Chest £5450 $7077.37   €6396.12 Small Early 16th Century Gothic Oak Church Chest Pre-1800 Antiques Oil On Board Portrait Of Emperor Frederic III £2975 $3863.34   €3491.46 Oil On Board Portrait Of Emperor Frederic III Dreams Less Sweet Antiques 16th Century, Brass Pricket Candlesticks, C. 1500£3850 $4999.61   €4518.36 16th Century, Brass Pricket Candlesticks, C. 1500Nicholas Harrison Antiques
A 16th Century Flamboyant Gothic Cupboard.£9500 $12336.7   €11149.2 A 16th Century Flamboyant Gothic Cupboard.Youngs Antiques Rare Mythical Beasts Henry VIII Oak Panel C1520£1100 $1428.46   €1290.96 Rare Mythical Beasts Henry VIII Oak Panel C1520Pre-1800 Antiques Diminutive Early 16th Century Gothic Oak Coffer £2750 $3571.15   €3227.4 Diminutive Early 16th Century Gothic Oak Coffer Pre-1800 Antiques Rare Painted Henry VIII Period Marriage Panels £1350 $1753.11   €1584.36 Rare Painted Henry VIII Period Marriage Panels Pre-1800 Antiques
16th Century, Gothic Oak Chest, French, Circa 1500£5950 $7726.67   €6982.92 16th Century, Gothic Oak Chest, French, Circa 1500Nicholas Harrison Antiques Wonderful Medieval Oak Jetty Post Corbel £5550 $7207.23   €6513.48 Wonderful Medieval Oak Jetty Post Corbel Pre-1800 Antiques Rare 15th Century Italian Gesso On Board Green Man  Rare 15th Century Italian Gesso On Board Green ManPre-1800 Antiques Late 15h-early 16th C Personal Knife£125 $162.33   €146.7 Late 15h-early 16th C Personal KnifeForte Antiques York
Rare Fatimid Seljuk Mihrab / Minbar Wooden Roundel£1750 $2272.55   €2053.8 Rare Fatimid Seljuk Mihrab / Minbar Wooden RoundelIslamique Antiques Scottish Notarial Document Dated 1513£275.00 $357.12   €322.74 Scottish Notarial Document Dated 1513Wayside Mews Collectables Scottish Notarial Document Dated 1511£275.00 $357.12   €322.74 Scottish Notarial Document Dated 1511Wayside Mews Collectables Muromachi Tanto, Signed Kanefusa, February 1522  Muromachi Tanto, Signed Kanefusa, February 1522Boyar Armoury
16th Century Tracery Panel 1500s  16th Century Tracery Panel 1500sAntiquities And Artefacts Medieval Iron Dagger Excavated  Medieval Iron Dagger ExcavatedAntiquities And Artefacts Henry Viii, Carved Oak Boarded Chest, Circa 1520  Henry Viii, Carved Oak Boarded Chest, Circa 1520Nicholas Harrison Antiques 16th Century Late Medieval Oak Coffer , Circa 1500  16th Century Late Medieval Oak Coffer , Circa 1500School House Antiques
Rare Medieval Oak Box Original Ironware Circa 1500  Rare Medieval Oak Box Original Ironware Circa 1500Pre-1800 Antiques 16th Century, Iron Bound Chest, Flemish, C. 1540  16th Century, Iron Bound Chest, Flemish, C. 1540Nicholas Harrison Antiques 16th Century, Iron Bound Casket, French, C. 1540  16th Century, Iron Bound Casket, French, C. 1540Nicholas Harrison Antiques Medieval Candle Stick  Medieval Candle StickAntiquities And Artefacts
Tudor Silver Clothing Fastener   Tudor Silver Clothing Fastener Collect The Past Medieval Knife - Dagger Baselard Type Single Edge.  Medieval Knife - Dagger Baselard Type Single Edge.Collect The Past Elizabethan Pewter Slip Top Spoon   Elizabethan Pewter Slip Top Spoon Collect The Past A Large Early 16th Century Linenfold Coffer.£3000 $3895.8   €3520.8 A Large Early 16th Century Linenfold Coffer.Youngs Antiques
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