19th Century Antiques

Found 150704 For Sale and Sold    ( 28587 for sale )  
19th Century Bamboo Haberdashery/ Library Ladder£250 $313.08   €300.08 19th Century Bamboo Haberdashery/ Library LadderCoastal Antiques Arts And Crafts Card Table £250 $313.08   €300.08 Arts And Crafts Card Table Coastal Antiques Oval Cricket Table£900 $1127.07   €1080.27 Oval Cricket TableCoastal Antiques Workbench £350 $438.31   €420.11 Workbench Coastal Antiques
Late Victorian Bone Nepalese Hilted Kukri £155 $194.11   €186.05 Late Victorian Bone Nepalese Hilted Kukri Christopher Walker Antiques Two Late Victorian Hardwood Hilted Nepalese Kukris£125 $156.54   €150.04 Two Late Victorian Hardwood Hilted Nepalese KukrisChristopher Walker Antiques Super Mahogany Pedestal Table£695 $870.35   €834.21 Super Mahogany Pedestal TableFernyhough Antiques Aesthetic Period Carved Sunflower Chair£845 $1058.19   €1014.25 Aesthetic Period Carved Sunflower ChairThe Sitting Place
Edwardian Silver Art Nouveau Box£225 $281.77   €270.07 Edwardian Silver Art Nouveau BoxGuy Ellis Antiques Victorian French Red Leather Jewellery Box 1880s£175 $219.15   €210.05 Victorian French Red Leather Jewellery Box 1880sLucian Linnell Vintage Victorian Revolving Reading Stand Or Book Table£785 $983.06   €942.24 Victorian Revolving Reading Stand Or Book TableElmgarden Antiques Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket C1870£1650 $2066.3   €1980.5 Gilt Metal & Mother-of-Pearl Scent Casket C1870Church Street Antiques
Late Victorian  Oak Knee Hole Desk£975 $1220.99   €1170.29 Late Victorian Oak Knee Hole DeskJames R Millington Antiques Mid Victorian Burr Walnut Jewellery Box £650 $814   €780.2 Mid Victorian Burr Walnut Jewellery Box Church Street Antiques Decorative Pierced Brass Table Oil Lamp£480 $601.1   €576.14 Decorative Pierced Brass Table Oil LampChurch Street Antiques Antique Regency Burr Walnut Box W425£275.00 $344.38   €330.08 Antique Regency Burr Walnut Box W425Prichard Antiques
Late 19thC Mahogany Serpentine Fronted Bookcase£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Late 19thC Mahogany Serpentine Fronted BookcaseChurch Street Antiques Pair Of 19thC Gilt Gesso Frame Wall Mirrors£1750 $2191.53   €2100.53 Pair Of 19thC Gilt Gesso Frame Wall MirrorsChurch Street Antiques Late 19thC Mahogany Neo-Classical Serving Table£1950 $2441.99   €2340.59 Late 19thC Mahogany Neo-Classical Serving TableChurch Street Antiques Arts And Crafts Bench By William Birch£3650 $4570.9   €4381.1 Arts And Crafts Bench By William BirchArts And Craft Antiques
Arts & Crafts Oak Coat Rack & Umbrella Stick Stand£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Arts & Crafts Oak Coat Rack & Umbrella Stick StandChurch Street Antiques Victorian Brass Log Bucket Jardiniere£680 $851.56   €816.2 Victorian Brass Log Bucket JardiniereChurch Street Antiques Good Early Khyber Knife£335 $419.52   €402.1 Good Early Khyber KnifeSmiths Vintage Chest Of Drawers Rare Arts & Crafts Miniature 1880£425 $532.23   €510.13 Chest Of Drawers Rare Arts & Crafts Miniature 1880Cloverleaf Home Interiors
Triangular Triple Decanter Tantalus£220 $275.51   €264.07 Triangular Triple Decanter TantalusFrontsideout Table Refectory Farmhouse Dining Sycamore Victoria£1450 $1815.84   €1740.44 Table Refectory Farmhouse Dining Sycamore VictoriaCloverleaf Home Interiors Late 19th Century Welsh Pine Dresser£295 $369.43   €354.09 Late 19th Century Welsh Pine DresserCoastal Antiques Walnut Mid Victorian Two Seater Settee £350 $438.31   €420.11 Walnut Mid Victorian Two Seater Settee Coastal Antiques