Pre 16th Century Antiques
Found 520 For Sale and Sold ( 148 for sale )
$215.23 €206.94
Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics Flask TimesAncient
$215.23 €206.94
Ancient Roman Glass Unguents FlaskTimesAncient
$522.71 €502.56
Roman Glass Jar With Zig-zag Trail DecorationTimesAncient
$325.92 €313.36
Near Eastern Bronze Age Ceremonial Mace HeadTimesAncient
$405.87 €390.23
Old Babylonian Terracotta Plaque From NippurTimesAncient
$233.68 €224.68
Canaanite Middle Bronze Age Oil LampTimesAncient
$1660.37 €1596.38
Alexandrian Greek Lekythos Of Woman And GooseTimesAncient
$350.52 €337.01
Rare Large Roman Bronze Crossbow Fibula BroochTimesAncient
$202.93 €195.11
Byzantine `Greek Fire` Hand Grenade Or FirebombTimesAncient
$461.21 €443.44
Roman Burnish Ware Pottery BeakerAntiquities And Artefacts
$1660.37 €1596.38
Greek Apulian Miniature Red Figure Pottery Hydria TimesAncient
$1168.41 €1123.38
Published Roman Gladiator Oil LampTimesAncient
$295.18 €283.8
Bronze-age Twisted Bronze Neck TorcTimesAncient
$295.18 €283.8
Ancient Greek Italy Apulian Pottery CupTimesAncient
A Copper Alloy Figure Of Ganesha. Central Java. Country House And Eastern Interiors
$362.82 €348.84
Khmer Stoneware Jar 14th Century Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$166.04 €159.64
Postumus AE Antoninianus 260 - 269 AD.Cheltenham House Antiques
$368.97 €354.75
Probus Potin Tetradrachm 279 - 280 AD. Cheltenham House Antiques
$977.77 €940.09
Han Dynasty Hunting Scene Pottery Hu. ProvenancedTimesAncient
$110.69 €106.43
Medieval Sword Pommel 1200-1400sAntiquities And Artefacts
$830.18 €798.19
Medieval Limestone Head 1300 - 1400sAntiquities And Artefacts
$977.77 €940.09
Ancient Egyptian Faience ShabtiCurious Antiques
$3689.7 €3547.5
Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe FashionCountry House And Eastern Interiors
$239.83 €230.59
Pre-Columbian Ancient West Mexico Pottery FigureTimesAncient
$2152.33 €2069.38
Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing,12thcCountry House And Eastern Interiors
$325.92 €313.36
Roman Military Tile 20th LegionAntiquities And Artefacts
$2453.65 €2359.09
Museum Javanese Gold Gilt Dewi Tara Statuette.Country House And Eastern Interiors
$1838.7 €1767.84
A Copper Alloy Figure Of Standing Buddha. 13thcCountry House And Eastern Interiors