Pre 16th Century Antiques
Found 524 For Sale and Sold ( 151 for sale )
$273.06 €264.68
Bronze War Hammer/Battle Axe, Horse HeadAntiquarius
$279.27 €270.7
Late Medieval Bronze Rams Head War HammerAntiquarius
$204.8 €198.51
Ancient Roman Glass Unguents Bottle TimesAncient
$1551.5 €1503.88
Jewish Roman Ritual Batillum (incense Shovel)TimesAncient
$204.8 €198.51
Ancient Roman Glass Unguents Bottle TimesAncient
$217.21 €210.54
Ancient Roman Glass Cosmetics Flask TimesAncient
$217.21 €210.54
Ancient Roman Glass Unguents FlaskTimesAncient
$527.51 €511.32
Roman Glass Jar With Zig-zag Trail DecorationTimesAncient
$328.92 €318.82
Near Eastern Bronze Age Ceremonial Mace HeadTimesAncient
$409.6 €397.02
Old Babylonian Terracotta Plaque From NippurTimesAncient
$235.83 €228.59
Canaanite Middle Bronze Age Oil LampTimesAncient
$1675.62 €1624.19
Alexandrian Greek Lekythos Of Woman And GooseTimesAncient
$353.74 €342.88
Rare Large Roman Bronze Crossbow Fibula BroochTimesAncient
$204.8 €198.51
Byzantine `Greek Fire` Hand Grenade Or FirebombTimesAncient
$465.45 €451.16
Roman Burnish Ware Pottery BeakerAntiquities And Artefacts
$1675.62 €1624.19
Greek Apulian Miniature Red Figure Pottery Hydria TimesAncient
$1179.14 €1142.95
Published Roman Gladiator Oil LampTimesAncient
$297.89 €288.74
Bronze-age Twisted Bronze Neck TorcTimesAncient
$297.89 €288.74
Ancient Greek Italy Apulian Pottery CupTimesAncient
A Copper Alloy Figure Of Ganesha. Central Java. Country House And Eastern Interiors
$366.15 €354.91
Khmer Stoneware Jar 14th Century Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
$167.56 €162.42
Postumus AE Antoninianus 260 - 269 AD.Cheltenham House Antiques
$372.36 €360.93
Probus Potin Tetradrachm 279 - 280 AD. Cheltenham House Antiques
$986.75 €956.46
Han Dynasty Hunting Scene Pottery Hu. ProvenancedTimesAncient
$111.71 €108.28
Medieval Sword Pommel 1200-1400sAntiquities And Artefacts
$837.81 €812.09
Medieval Limestone Head 1300 - 1400sAntiquities And Artefacts
$986.75 €956.46
Ancient Egyptian Faience ShabtiCurious Antiques
$3723.6 €3609.3
Copper Alloy Seated Figure Buddha Europe FashionCountry House And Eastern Interiors