Cromwellian Antiques

Found 51 For Sale and Sold    ( 10 for sale )  
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Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth Shilling 1652£425 $528.36   €506.86 Oliver Cromwell Commonwealth Shilling 1652Antiquities And Artefacts Oak Coffer£975 $1212.12   €1162.79 Oak CofferGaylord Antiques Rare 17th Century Italian Cassone Chest  Rare 17th Century Italian Cassone ChestMillers Antiques Of Wooler Samurai Sword 17th Century Blade Signed£3950 $4910.64   €4710.77 Samurai Sword 17th Century Blade SignedSovereign Antiques
C.1650 Jacobean Oak Tester Four Poster Bed Frame £13500 $16783.2   €16100.1 C.1650 Jacobean Oak Tester Four Poster Bed Frame Wimbledon Furniture Ltd Set Of 12 Original 1643 After Joachim Von Sandrart£15000 $18648   €17889 Set Of 12 Original 1643 After Joachim Von SandrartWimbledon Furniture Ltd Silver Puritan Spoon London£1150.00 $1429.68   €1371.49 Silver Puritan Spoon LondonLemon Tree Antiques Silver Puritan Spoon Circa 1660£895.00 $1112.66   €1067.38 Silver Puritan Spoon Circa 1660Lemon Tree Antiques
Charles II Oak Mural Livery Cupboard£3800 $4724.16   €4531.88 Charles II Oak Mural Livery CupboardShackladys Antiques Original Copperplate Map Of Radnorshire By Blaeu£110 $136.75   €131.19 Original Copperplate Map Of Radnorshire By BlaeuTorr Antiques & Decorative Arts Oak Wainscot Chair With Holly & Bog Oak£1200 $1491.84   €1431.12 Oak Wainscot Chair With Holly & Bog OakWebberley Antiques 1654 Map Of S. W. Scotland By J. Blaeu £220 $273.5   €262.37 1654 Map Of S. W. Scotland By J. Blaeu Elder Books And Collectables
1650 Johannes Blaeu Map Of Northamptonshire£295 $366.74   €351.82 1650 Johannes Blaeu Map Of NorthamptonshireElder Books And Collectables Very Good Mid 17th Century West Country Oak Coffer£800 $994.56   €954.08 Very Good Mid 17th Century West Country Oak CofferWebberley Antiques Early Pike / Halberd Head£100 $124.32   €119.26 Early Pike / Halberd HeadSmiths Vintage Oak Spice Cupboard £1995 $2480.18   €2379.24 Oak Spice Cupboard Mouse House Antiques
17th Century Oak Wainscot Chair £1550 $1926.96   €1848.53 17th Century Oak Wainscot Chair Webberley Antiques OLD Musket Balls/Bullets.17th/18th Century£45 $55.94   €53.67 OLD Musket Balls/Bullets.17th/18th CenturyThose Were The Days Charles 1st Civil War Horse Boss  Charles 1st Civil War Horse BossAntiquities And Artefacts Scarce English Civil War Burgonet£2750 $3418.8   €3279.65 Scarce English Civil War BurgonetQuillon Antiques
Oak Side Table£1650 $2051.28   €1967.79 Oak Side TableMouse House Antiques Superb Matched Pair Of 17thc Carved Ebony Chairs  Superb Matched Pair Of 17thc Carved Ebony ChairsLVS Decorative Arts Oak Joint Stool£1395 $1734.26   €1663.68 Oak Joint StoolMouse House Antiques Cromwellian Side Table£1495 $1858.58   €1782.94 Cromwellian Side TableMouse House Antiques
17th Century Oak Coffer  17th Century Oak CofferBrookside Antiques Charles II Oak And Parquetry Spice Cabinet 1661£1100 $1367.52   €1311.86 Charles II Oak And Parquetry Spice Cabinet 1661Webberley Antiques Cromwellian Oak Joint Stool With Makers Initials£850 $1056.72   €1013.71 Cromwellian Oak Joint Stool With Maker's InitialsWebberley Antiques Small Welsh Oak Cupboard £620 $770.78   €739.41 Small Welsh Oak Cupboard Mouse House Antiques
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