18th Century Antiques

Found 25452 For Sale and Sold    ( 5016 for sale )  
Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£499.00 $624.9   €598.95 Georgian Mahogany Chest Of DrawersGallant Antiques 19th Century Georgian Pine Coffer£245.00 $306.81   €294.07 19th Century Georgian Pine CofferGallant Antiques Chest On Chest£1865 $2335.54   €2238.56 Chest On ChestMerchant House Antiques Mahogany Card Table   Georgian£1685 $2110.13   €2022.51 Mahogany Card Table GeorgianMerchant House Antiques
Georgian Solid Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£295.00 $369.43   €354.09 Georgian Solid Mahogany Chest Of DrawersJ Antiques Georgian Chest Of Drawers£1875 $2348.06   €2250.56 Georgian Chest Of DrawersNimbus Antiques Pine Kitchen Dresser - P2897£1250 $1565.38   €1500.38 Pine Kitchen Dresser - P2897Courtyard Antiques Antique Georgian Oak Dresser Base  Antique Georgian Oak Dresser BaseCJ Antiques
Antique Georgian Mahogany Bookcase   Antique Georgian Mahogany Bookcase CJ Antiques George Iii Oak Hanging Corner Cupboard£450.00 $563.54   €540.14 George Iii Oak Hanging Corner CupboardPeppermill Antiques George Iii Solid Oak Settle£995.00 $1246.04   €1194.3 George Iii Solid Oak SettlePeppermill Antiques Garnet & Pearl Ring£265.00 $331.86   €318.08 Garnet & Pearl RingMillbrook Antiques
Miniature Painting  Miniature PaintingRadnorshire Fine Arts Ltd Georgian Kneehole Dressing Table£2450 $3068.14   €2940.74 Georgian Kneehole Dressing TableNimbus Antiques  Antique Wall Sconce  Antique Wall SconceBarnhill Trading Co. OIL Portrait Painting Of A Peasant  OIL Portrait Painting Of A PeasantMansion House Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Washstand £320.00 $400.74   €384.1 Georgian Mahogany Washstand Sutton Antieks Antique Oak Sheep Bench/Coffee Table  Antique Oak Sheep Bench/Coffee TableMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Georgian Mahogany Chest On Chest £1350 $1690.61   €1620.41 Georgian Mahogany Chest On Chest Sutton Antieks George Ii Oak Chest Of Drawers£595.00 $745.12   €714.18 George Ii Oak Chest Of DrawersPeppermill Antiques
George Iii Oak Tilt Top Table£150.00 $187.85   €180.05 George Iii Oak Tilt Top TablePeppermill Antiques George Iii Mahogany Secretaire Chest£1150.00 $1440.15   €1380.35 George Iii Mahogany Secretaire ChestPeppermill Antiques George Iii Oak Settle Bench£995.00 $1246.04   €1194.3 George Iii Oak Settle BenchPeppermill Antiques  Oak George III Double Corner Cupboard£695.00 $870.35   €834.21 Oak George III Double Corner CupboardPeppermill Antiques
George III Oak & Mahogany Bureau£550.00 $688.77   €660.17 George III Oak & Mahogany BureauPeppermill Antiques Georgian Mahogany Tea Caddy£195.00 $244.2   €234.06 Georgian Mahogany Tea CaddyAthey Antiques 18th Century Antique Oak Commode Chair  18th Century Antique Oak Commode ChairMiles Griffiths Antiques Ltd Large Georgian Mahogany Dining Table£2800.00 $3506.44   €3360.84 Large Georgian Mahogany Dining TableAthey Antiques