18th Century Antiques

Found 25199 For Sale and Sold    ( 4971 for sale )  
18th Century 1st Period Worcester Tea Canister  18th Century 1st Period Worcester Tea CanisterPenrose Antiques Beautifully Inlaid Georgian Coventry Longcase£3250 $4104.1   €3940.63 Beautifully Inlaid Georgian Coventry LongcaseHeydays Antiques 18th Century Oak Bureau Bookcase.   18th Century Oak Bureau Bookcase. Prichard Antiques Fine Georgian Longcase Clock J. Joyce£4650 $5872.02   €5638.13 Fine Georgian Longcase Clock J. JoyceNimbus Antiques
George III Oak Bureau  George III Oak BureauFB Antiques Early Georgian 11.5in Brass Dial Oak Longcase £1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Early Georgian 11.5in Brass Dial Oak Longcase Heydays Antiques Georgian Bacchus And Ariadne Print  Georgian 'Bacchus And Ariadne' PrintPrometheus Antiques A Georgian Mahogany Side Table £495 $625.09   €600.19 A Georgian Mahogany Side Table Loveday Antiques Ltd
Early George III Solid Mahogany Bureau  Early George III Solid Mahogany BureauFB Antiques Fine George III Double Corner Cupboard£1395 $1761.61   €1691.44 Fine George III Double Corner CupboardSturmans Antiques Ltd Original George I Oak Side Table£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Original George I Oak Side TableSturmans Antiques Ltd Antique Georgian Fruitwood Side Table C1780£395.00 $498.81   €478.94 Antique Georgian Fruitwood Side Table C1780Castleforge Antiques
Georgian Mahogany Tray Top Bedside Cabinet C1780£275.00 $347.27   €333.44 Georgian Mahogany Tray Top Bedside Cabinet C1780Castleforge Antiques Georgian Mahogany Fold Over Tea Table C1780£375.00 $473.55   €454.69 Georgian Mahogany Fold Over Tea Table C1780Castleforge Antiques Period Piranesi Engraving Of Rome Vedute Di Roma  Period Piranesi Engraving Of Rome Vedute Di RomaLevels Antiques Quality Georgian Demi Lune Commode£650 $820.82   €788.13 Quality Georgian Demi Lune CommodeWickersley Antiques
Small Mid Georgian Dresser & Rack£2295 $2898.13   €2782.69 Small Mid Georgian Dresser & RackSturmans Antiques Ltd 18th Century Chinese Bronze Figure£350.00 $441.98   €424.38 18th Century Chinese Bronze FigureImperial Antiques Dainty Georgian Oak Cabriole Leg Lowboy£750 $947.1   €909.38 Dainty Georgian Oak Cabriole Leg LowboyCarse Antiques And Restoration Fine 18th Century Lignum Mortar & Pestle. C. 1750£345 $435.67   €418.31 Fine 18th Century Lignum Mortar & Pestle. C. 1750Carse Antiques And Restoration
Georgian Oak Candle Box, Formed Like A Coffer£135 $170.48   €163.69 Georgian Oak Candle Box, Formed Like A CofferCarse Antiques And Restoration Georgian Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Georgian Mahogany Chest Of DrawersWitch Antiques Georgian Oak & Later Carved Chest Of Drawers  Georgian Oak & Later Carved Chest Of DrawersAntique Furniture Direct Large Georgian Chamberstick£28 $35.36   €33.95 Large Georgian ChamberstickWestbank Antiques
Georgian Pewter Pepper Pot£20 $25.26   €24.25 Georgian Pewter Pepper PotWestbank Antiques Pair Georgian Pewter Plates£55 $69.45   €66.69 Pair Georgian Pewter PlatesWestbank Antiques Georgian Flour Dredger / Pounce Pot£40 $50.51   €48.5 Georgian Flour Dredger / Pounce PotWestbank Antiques A George III Inlaid Welsh Coffer  A George III Inlaid Welsh CofferHavard And Havard