18th Century Antiques

Found 25199 For Sale and Sold    ( 4971 for sale )  
A George III Oak Corner Cupboard£1185 $1496.42   €1436.81 A George III Oak Corner CupboardHavard And Havard Late Georgian Oak Side Table C.1790.£695 $877.65   €842.69 Late Georgian Oak Side Table C.1790.Collinge Antiques George III Tilt Top Pie Crust  Mahogany Table.£1850 $2336.18   €2243.13 George III Tilt Top Pie Crust Mahogany Table.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre 18thc. Walnut Serpentine Fronted Dressing Mirror£875 $1104.95   €1060.94 18thc. Walnut Serpentine Fronted Dressing MirrorPiers Pisani Antiques
18thc. Octagonal Wine Cooler£1950 $2462.46   €2364.38 18thc. Octagonal Wine CoolerPiers Pisani Antiques Georgian 1st Period Worcester Tea Bowl C1770 £95 $119.97   €115.19 Georgian 1st Period Worcester Tea Bowl C1770 Penrose Antiques 18thc. Walnut Knee Hole Desk £2600 $3283.28   €3152.5 18thc. Walnut Knee Hole Desk Piers Pisani Antiques Regency Twin Pillar Dining Table Mahogany Seats 10£5500 $6945.4   €6668.75 Regency Twin Pillar Dining Table Mahogany Seats 10Wickersley Antiques
Georgian Oak Display Cabinet  Georgian Oak Display CabinetNethermill Antiques Early Georgian Chest Of Drawers C1740 -1750£410.00 $517.75   €497.13 Early Georgian Chest Of Drawers C1740 -1750Barn Antiques Centre 18thC Walnut 30Hr Longcase Clock£1995.00 $2519.29   €2418.94 18thC Walnut 30Hr Longcase ClockGoodwin Antiques Georgian Chinoiserie Bowfront Corner Cupboard£985 $1243.86   €1194.31 Georgian Chinoiserie Bowfront Corner CupboardRams Head Antiques
18th Century Walnut Chest Of Drawers, C.1740£1550 $1957.34   €1879.38 18th Century Walnut Chest Of Drawers, C.1740Rams Head Antiques George III Mahogany Chest Of Drawers  George III Mahogany Chest Of DrawersLVS Decorative Arts George III Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase  George III Mahogany Secretaire BookcaseFB Antiques Pair Of Parcel-gilt And Painted Torcheres  Pair Of Parcel-gilt And Painted TorcheresLVS Decorative Arts
Antique Georgian Mahogany Bureau Desk C1780£695.00 $877.65   €842.69 Antique Georgian Mahogany Bureau Desk C1780Castleforge Antiques Small George III Mahogany Secretaire Bookcase£2250 $2841.3   €2728.13 Small George III Mahogany Secretaire BookcaseSturmans Antiques Ltd Charming Old Oak Georgian Chest Of Drawers   Charming Old Oak Georgian Chest Of Drawers Elmgarden Georgian Mahogany Card Table.   Georgian Mahogany Card Table. Prichard Antiques
Fruitwood Side Table£1500 $1894.2   €1818.75 Fruitwood Side TableMartlesham Antiques An Early 18th Century Oak Side Table£1280 $1616.38   €1552 An Early 18th Century Oak Side TableMartlesham Antiques Scottish George III Mahogany Chest Of Drawers£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Scottish George III Mahogany Chest Of DrawersGeorgian Antiques  18th Century Caughley Porcelain Mask Jug£295 $372.53   €357.69 18th Century Caughley Porcelain Mask JugPenrose Antiques
Slim Petite Georgian Mahogany Longcase£2450 $3093.86   €2970.63 Slim Petite Georgian Mahogany LongcaseHeydays Antiques Mid Georgian Bow Fronted Corner Cupboard£495 $625.09   €600.19 Mid Georgian Bow Fronted Corner CupboardSturmans Antiques Ltd Fine Small Georgian 8 Day Longcase Clock£1995 $2519.29   €2418.94 Fine Small Georgian 8 Day Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Georgian Antique Bank Of Sixty Drawers.  Georgian Antique Bank Of Sixty Drawers.Miles Griffiths Antiques Ltd