Victorian Antique Inkwells

Found 433 For Sale and Sold    ( 118 for sale  315 sold )  
English Pen Nib Wipe In Cast Brass - Lobster C1880  English Pen Nib Wipe In Cast Brass - Lobster C1880Puckerings Antiques Bronze Inkwell - Begging Dog With Glass Eyes C1890  Bronze Inkwell - Begging Dog With Glass Eyes C1890Puckerings Antiques Antique Carved Black Forest Novelty Inkwell - Dog   Antique Carved Black Forest Novelty Inkwell - Dog Puckerings Antiques Antique English Brass Inkwell - Glass Eyes - Dog  Antique English Brass Inkwell - Glass Eyes - DogPuckerings Antiques
Arts And Crafts Ormolu Heart Shaped Ink Well£150 $193.37   €178.76 Arts And Crafts Ormolu Heart Shaped Ink WellCourtyard Antiques In Kent Gilded Bronze Novelty Inkwell - Owl - Glass Eyes  Gilded Bronze Novelty Inkwell - Owl - Glass EyesPuckerings Antiques Novelty Cut Crystal And Brass Inkwell C.1890 - Owl  Novelty Cut Crystal And Brass Inkwell C.1890 - OwlPuckerings Antiques Antique Novelty English Brass Inkwell C.1890  Antique Novelty English Brass Inkwell C.1890Puckerings Antiques
Antique English Travel Inkwell£95 $122.46   €113.21 Antique English Travel InkwellArtsoutine Arts And Antiques Antique English Novelty Inkwell - Owl C.1890  Antique English Novelty Inkwell - Owl C.1890Puckerings Antiques Combined Inkwell / Letter Clip And Nib Wipe C.1880  Combined Inkwell / Letter Clip And Nib Wipe C.1880Puckerings Antiques Inkwell - Horse Jumping / Equestrian / Jockey  Inkwell - Horse Jumping / Equestrian / JockeyPuckerings Antiques
Crocodile / Alligator Inkwell / Desk Tidy C.1880  Crocodile / Alligator Inkwell / Desk Tidy C.1880Puckerings Antiques Antique English Brass Novelty Inkwell - Cat C.1880  Antique English Brass Novelty Inkwell - Cat C.1880Puckerings Antiques Quality English Inkwell / Rabbit And Chicks C.1890  Quality English Inkwell / Rabbit And Chicks C.1890Puckerings Antiques Victorian Mahogany Ink Stand, Circa 1890  Victorian Mahogany Ink Stand, Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques
Finest Large Antique Novelty Owl Inkwell C.1890  Finest Large Antique Novelty Owl Inkwell C.1890Puckerings Antiques Huge Antique English Cut Crystal Inkwell C.1890  Huge Antique English Cut Crystal Inkwell C.1890Puckerings Antiques Arts & Crafts Copper And Enamel Inkstand  Arts & Crafts Copper And Enamel InkstandRed House Antiques Antique English Inkwells - Cloisonne - Enamel   Antique English Inkwells - Cloisonne - Enamel Puckerings Antiques
Superb Victorian Desk Set In Case  Superb Victorian Desk Set In CasePrometheus Antiques Quality Antique English Boulle Inkstand C.1900  Quality Antique English Boulle Inkstand C.1900Puckerings Antiques Antique Brass / Bronze Inkwell With Agate Mounts   Antique Brass / Bronze Inkwell With Agate Mounts Puckerings Antiques Victorian Walnut Ink Stand / Standish  Victorian Walnut Ink Stand / StandishBridgend Antiques
Antique English Equestrian Inkwell C.1880  Antique English Equestrian Inkwell C.1880Puckerings Antiques Antique Novelty Inkwell - Gilded Bronze Owl C.1880  Antique Novelty Inkwell - Gilded Bronze Owl C.1880Puckerings Antiques Victorian Sibray, Hall & Co Silver Ink Stand 1898  Victorian Sibray, Hall & Co Silver Ink Stand 1898Penrose Antiques Desk Tidy  Desk TidyTS Baskett Furniture Restoration