Edwardian Antique Inkwells

Found 44 For Sale and Sold    ( 12 for sale  32 sold )  
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Quality Antique Edwardian Ornate Brass Desk Set £425 $546.89   €508 Quality Antique Edwardian Ornate Brass Desk Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade A Fine Oak Letter Rack With Two Good Ink Bottles£375 $482.55   €448.24 A Fine Oak Letter Rack With Two Good Ink BottlesThe Dorking Desk Shop Silver Edwardian Ink Well And Pen Tray By Aspreys£270.00 $347.44   €322.73 Silver Edwardian Ink Well And Pen Tray By AspreysD.J. Massey And Son Liberty & Co Tudric Pewter Inkwell. £445 $572.63   €531.91 Liberty & Co Tudric Pewter Inkwell. Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Silver Dip Pen Nib Wipe, London 1905£95 $122.25   €113.55 Silver Dip Pen Nib Wipe, London 1905Forte Antiques York Jugendstil Brass And Glass Mounted Inkwell£90 $115.81   €107.58 Jugendstil Brass And Glass Mounted InkwellBaldwyn Antiques Austrian Bronze Inkwell / Pen Rest - Bergmann£1950 $2509.26   €2330.84 Austrian Bronze Inkwell / Pen Rest - BergmannPuckerings Antiques Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Inkwell - Clown£875 $1125.95   €1045.89 Austrian Cold Painted Bronze Inkwell - ClownPuckerings Antiques
Large Bullmastiff Triple Inkwell C.1900 - Dog£795 $1023.01   €950.26 Large Bullmastiff Triple Inkwell C.1900 - DogPuckerings Antiques Glass And Mahogany Inkwell - Owl With Glass Eyes£395 $508.29   €472.14 Glass And Mahogany Inkwell - Owl With Glass EyesPuckerings Antiques Antique English Sterling Silver Inkwell - 1906£395 $508.29   €472.14 Antique English Sterling Silver Inkwell - 1906Puckerings Antiques Edwardian Glass Inkwell With Yew Wood Top£110.00 $141.55   €131.48 Edwardian Glass Inkwell With Yew Wood TopBarnhill Trading Co.
Antique Pen Tray, English, Brass, Silver Plate£295 $379.61   €352.61 Antique Pen Tray, English, Brass, Silver PlateLondon Fine Antiques Antique Edwardian Desk Set £295 $379.61   €352.61 Antique Edwardian Desk Set Unique Antiques By Emma Jade Edwardian Period Silver Pen & Ink Stand  Edwardian Period Silver Pen & Ink StandSturmans Antiques Ltd Cut Glass, Silver Plate & Horn Stag Inkwell C.1901  Cut Glass, Silver Plate & Horn Stag Inkwell C.1901Puckerings Antiques
Glass Standish With Inset Silver Lidded Inkwell  Glass Standish With Inset Silver Lidded InkwellGoodwin Antiques Edwardian Silver Plated And Cut Glass Inkwell£30 $38.6   €35.86 Edwardian Silver Plated And Cut Glass InkwellOsbourne Antiques Tortoiseshell Pique Work Travelling Inkwell.c.1890  Tortoiseshell Pique Work Travelling Inkwell.c.1890Goodwin Antiques Antique Desk Stand, English, Edwardian, Gilt Metal£385 $495.42   €460.19 Antique Desk Stand, English, Edwardian, Gilt MetalLondon Fine Antiques
Top Quality Edwardian Silver Inkwell & Watch  Top Quality Edwardian Silver Inkwell & WatchSturmans Antiques Ltd Cut Glass Silver Mounted Inkwell£130.00 $167.28   €155.39 Cut Glass Silver Mounted InkwellLemon Tree Antiques Art Nouveau Copper And Pewter Inkstand  Art Nouveau Copper And Pewter InkstandPenrose Antiques Spelter Novelty Inkwell - Sailor Bulldog C.1900  Spelter Novelty Inkwell - Sailor Bulldog C.1900Puckerings Antiques
Silver Plate Desk Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900£330 $424.64   €394.45 Silver Plate Desk Set By Hukin And Heath C.1900Puckerings Antiques Large Silver Mounted Inkwell By William Comyns£395 $508.29   €472.14 Large Silver Mounted Inkwell By William ComynsPuckerings Antiques Edwardian Novelty Cast Metal Car Inkwell.£90 $115.81   €107.58 Edwardian Novelty Cast Metal Car Inkwell.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Antique Equestrian / Hunting Scene Travel Inkwell£195 $250.93   €233.08 Antique Equestrian / Hunting Scene Travel InkwellPuckerings Antiques
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