Antique Enamel Boxes

Found 76 For Sale and Sold    ( 19 for sale  57 sold )  
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Georgian South Staffordshire Enamel Patch Box£249.00 $320.41   €297.63 Georgian South Staffordshire Enamel Patch BoxTerrier Antiques South Staffordshire Enamel Patch Box£195.00 $250.93   €233.08 South Staffordshire Enamel Patch BoxTerrier Antiques Georgian Staffordshire Enamel Patch Box C1790  Georgian Staffordshire Enamel Patch Box C1790Sylvie Collett - Sewantiques 18th Cent. Bilston Enamel Pill Box.  18th Cent. Bilston Enamel Pill Box.Goodwin Antiques
Japanese Cloisonne Jewellery Box And Matching Ring£225 $289.53   €268.94 Japanese Cloisonne Jewellery Box And Matching RingRams Head Antiques Keep This For My Sake, Bilston Patch Box  Keep This For My Sake, Bilston Patch BoxOsbourne Antiques Staffordshire Bilston Yellow Enamel Snuff Box  Staffordshire Bilston Yellow Enamel Snuff BoxThe Fancy Fox 18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff Box  18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff BoxThe Fancy Fox
South Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff Box  South Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff BoxThe Fancy Fox French Lille Enamel Heart Shape Trinket Box  French Lille Enamel Heart Shape Trinket BoxThe Fancy Fox 18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Patch Box  18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Patch BoxThe Fancy Fox 18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff Box  18thC Staffordshire Bilston Enamel Snuff BoxThe Fancy Fox
Brass & Enamel Snuff Box£59 $75.92   €70.52 Brass & Enamel Snuff BoxTerrier Antiques 18TH Century Veuve Perrin Enameled Heart Shape Box£95.00 $122.25   €113.55 18TH Century Veuve Perrin Enameled Heart Shape BoxOld Birds Antiques 18thC South Staffordshire Enamel Egg Bonbonniere  18thC South Staffordshire Enamel Egg BonbonniereThe Fancy Fox 20th Century German Enamel Singing Bird Music Box£6000 $7720.8   €7171.8 20th Century German Enamel Singing Bird Music BoxCarlton Fine Art & Antique Centre
Exquisite French Enamel Jewelry Box - Hand Painted£730 $939.36   €872.57 Exquisite French Enamel Jewelry Box - Hand PaintedPuckerings Antiques George II Battersea Enamel Table Snuff Box 1750£450 $579.06   €537.89 George II Battersea Enamel Table Snuff Box 1750Blackwood Antiques South Staffordshire Or Battersea Enamel Canary Bonbonniere£360 $463.25   €430.31 South Staffordshire Or Battersea Enamel Canary BonbonniereBlackwood Antiques George III Bilston Enamel Patch Box 1760£220 $283.1   €262.97 George III Bilston Enamel Patch Box 1760Blackwood Antiques
Very Rare George II Enamel Snuff Box C1750£450 $579.06   €537.89 Very Rare George II Enamel Snuff Box C1750Blackwood Antiques Fine George III Bilston Enamel Snuff Box 1770 £220 $283.1   €262.97 Fine George III Bilston Enamel Snuff Box 1770 Blackwood Antiques Unusual George III Enamel Snuff Box C1770£250 $321.7   €298.83 Unusual George III Enamel Snuff Box C1770Blackwood Antiques Superb George III Bilston Enamel Patch Box C1760£210 $270.23   €251.01 Superb George III Bilston Enamel Patch Box C1760Blackwood Antiques
Georgian Bilston Enamel Patch Box C1770£240 $308.83   €286.87 Georgian Bilston Enamel Patch Box C1770Blackwood Antiques 18th Century Bilston Enamel Table Snuff Box 1780£290 $373.17   €346.64 18th Century Bilston Enamel Table Snuff Box 1780Blackwood Antiques Rare Nelson Interest Bilston Enamel Patch Box 1797£320 $411.78   €382.5 Rare Nelson Interest Bilston Enamel Patch Box 1797Blackwood Antiques GEORGE III BILSTON ENAMEL PATCH BOX C1770£190 $244.49   €227.11 George Iii Bilston Enamel Patch Box C1770Blackwood Antiques
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 Antique Boxes