Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 2854 For Sale and Sold    ( 737 for sale  2117 sold )  
French M1822 Light Cavalry Troopers Sabre  French M1822 Light Cavalry Trooper's SabreBoyar Armoury 1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Troopers Sabre  1796 Pattern Heavy Cavalry Trooper's SabreBoyar Armoury Victorian Continental Cavalry Officers Sword  Victorian Continental Cavalry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Flintlock Pistol£265 $341.61   €315.8 Flintlock PistolMichaels Militaria
Flintlock Pistol£245 $315.83   €291.97 Flintlock PistolMichaels Militaria Percussion Turn Off  Pistol£110 $141.8   €131.09 Percussion Turn Off PistolMichaels Militaria Percussion Turn Off Pistol£225 $290.05   €268.13 Percussion Turn Off PistolMichaels Militaria Percussion Turn Over  Pistol£225 $290.05   €268.13 Percussion Turn Over PistolMichaels Militaria
French 1845/55 Pattern Infantry Officers Sword  French 1845/55 Pattern Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Paddle Club 19 Century £400 $515.64   €476.68 Paddle Club 19 Century Smiths Vintage 19 Century Indian Tabar Axe£285 $367.39   €339.63 19 Century Indian Tabar AxeSmiths Vintage 18th Century Steel Hilted Small Sword  18th Century Steel Hilted Small SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
1885 Pattern Cavalry Troopers Sword In Scabbard  1885 Pattern Cavalry Troopers Sword In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Brass Hilted Scottish NCOs Sword  Victorian Brass Hilted Scottish NCO's SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Victorian Infantry Officers Sword By Hart   Victorian Infantry Officers Sword By Hart Christopher Walker Antiques German WW2 Firemans Parade Bayonet  German WW2 Fireman's Parade BayonetChristopher Walker Antiques
Brass French Infantry Officers Sword  Brass French Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques Mid 19th Century German Gladius Side Arm   Mid 19th Century German Gladius Side Arm Christopher Walker Antiques 19th Century Steel Khandu Indian Sword£380 $489.86   €452.85 19th Century Steel Khandu Indian SwordSaltwood Antiques A Flyssa Dagger£78 $100.55   €92.95 A Flyssa DaggerSaltwood Antiques
Eagle Arms Co Revolver £525 $676.78   €625.64 Eagle Arms Co Revolver Smiths Vintage 19th Century All Steel Tulwar With Inlay On Blade  19th Century All Steel Tulwar With Inlay On BladeChristopher Walker Antiques 18th Century Musket Bayonet In Scabbard  18th Century Musket Bayonet In ScabbardChristopher Walker Antiques Late 19 Century Indian Double Headed Engraved Axe  Late 19 Century Indian Double Headed Engraved AxeChristopher Walker Antiques
Rare Childs Size Mid 18th Century Small Sword  Rare Childs Size Mid 18th Century Small SwordChristopher Walker Antiques 18th Century Steel Hilted Small Sword   18th Century Steel Hilted Small Sword Christopher Walker Antiques 1833 Pattern French Naval Boarding Cutlass  1833 Pattern French Naval Boarding CutlassChristopher Walker Antiques Twenty Five Imperial German Medals£85 $109.57   €101.29 Twenty Five Imperial German MedalsMichaels Militaria