African Antique Arms and Militaria

Found 76 For Sale and Sold    ( 20 for sale  56 sold )  
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A Victorian Zulu Assiegai £475 $592.66   €570.9 A Victorian Zulu Assiegai Smiths Vintage A Good Heavy Zulu Assegai£580 $723.67   €697.1 A Good Heavy Zulu AssegaiSmiths Vintage Interesting African Ceremonial Sword & Scabbard£65.00 $81.1   €78.12 Interesting African Ceremonial Sword & ScabbardDaryl Yeates Antiques Marsh Arab Dagger £160 $199.63   €192.3 Marsh Arab Dagger Smiths Vintage
Zulu Knop-Kerri And Axe£320 $399.26   €384.61 Zulu Knop-Kerri And AxeSmiths Vintage 19th Century Zulu Knobkerrie £165 $205.87   €198.31 19th Century Zulu Knobkerrie Vladds Interiors Zulu Asegai Throwing Spear Late Victorian £975 $1216.51   €1171.85 Zulu Asegai Throwing Spear Late Victorian Sovereign Antiques Massive Early Masai Shield £575 $717.43   €691.09 Massive Early Masai Shield Smiths Vintage
Islamic Indian Bulova Axe £275 $343.12   €330.52 Islamic Indian Bulova Axe Smiths Arms And Armour African Axe£150 $187.16   €180.29 African AxeSmiths Arms And Armour Victorian Marsai Warrior Sword£150 $187.16   €180.29 Victorian Marsai Warrior SwordSmiths Arms And Armour African Club£175 $218.35   €210.33 African ClubSmiths Arms And Armour
Zulu War Club£175 $218.35   €210.33 Zulu War ClubSmiths Arms And Armour Large Zulu Knobkerrie£275 $343.12   €330.52 Large Zulu KnobkerrieSmiths Arms And Armour Ethiopian Saif Sword.£800 $998.16   €961.52 Ethiopian Saif Sword.Smiths Arms And Armour Wire Bound Zulu War Club£250 $311.93   €300.48 Wire Bound Zulu War ClubSmiths Arms And Armour
African Tuareg Sword / Scabbard,c1890£395 $492.84   €474.75 African Tuareg Sword / Scabbard,c1890Curious Antiques Zulu Spear Circa 1850’s£695 $867.15   €835.32 Zulu Spear Circa 1850’sSovereign Antiques Victorian Zulu Knopkerrie £180 $224.59   €216.34 Victorian Zulu Knopkerrie Smiths Vintage Sudanese Early Sword£145 $180.92   €174.28 Sudanese Early SwordCAG Militaria
A Flyssa Dagger£78 $97.32   €93.75 A Flyssa DaggerSaltwood Antiques Late 19th Century Zulu Knobkerrie  Late 19th Century Zulu KnobkerrieChristopher Walker Antiques Zulu Axe ,Selepe  Zulu Axe ,SelepeVladds Interiors Mandingo Sword, European Blade£85 $106.05   €102.16 Mandingo Sword, European BladeBoyar Armoury
19 Century Bronze Fertility Axe£150 $187.16   €180.29 19 Century Bronze Fertility AxeSmiths Vintage Zulu Axe£110 $137.25   €132.21 Zulu AxeSmiths Vintage Tiv Axe 1900£245 $305.69   €294.47 Tiv Axe 1900Smiths Vintage Late Victorian Zulu Axe  Late Victorian Zulu AxeChristopher Walker Antiques
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