Steel Antique Armour
Found 69 For Sale and Sold ( 33 for sale 36 sold )
$8067.8 €7820.15
16th Century Composite 3/4 Italian Style Armour KOE Antiques
$496.48 €481.24
Early 18 Century Steel Shield Smiths Vintage
$1179.14 €1142.95
A 17th Century Sword.Youngs Antiques
$1210.17 €1173.02
Miniature Suit Of Armour, C.1920Harrington Antiques
$732.31 €709.83
18 Century Kulah-khudSmiths Vintage
$1179.14 €1142.95
Japanese Tanto Knife 18th Century Sovereign Antiques
$614.39 €595.53
Vietnam American Soldiers Helmet Liner And CamouflageSovereign Antiques
$1210.17 €1173.02
German Paratrooper HelmetSovereign Antiques
$304.09 €294.76
No 5 Jungle Carbine BayonetSmiths Arms And Armour
$248.24 €240.62
WW1 Imperial German Trench Fighting Knife.Smiths Arms And Armour
$198.59 €192.5
Sykes Fairbairn 3rd Pattern.Smiths Arms And Armour
$992.96 €962.48
Ethiopian Saif Sword.Smiths Arms And Armour
$806.78 €782.02
1821 Pattern Royal Artillery Officers Sword.Smiths Arms And Armour
$645.42 €625.61
Bristish 1827 Pipeback Naval Sword.Smiths Arms And Armour
$682.66 €661.71
Indian Cavalry Troopers Sword. Smiths Arms And Armour
$397.18 €384.99
Private Issue Italian Cutlass Smiths Arms And Armour
$992.96 €962.48
Hook Quillon 1907 BayonetSmiths Arms And Armour
$533.72 €517.33
Prussian Husar Sabre Smiths Arms And Armour
$434.42 €421.09
K-Bar Fighting KnifeSmiths Arms And Armour
$372.36 €360.93
Fairbairn - Sykes Fignting Knife (Brass Hilt).Smiths Arms And Armour
$223.42 €216.56
WWI German/ Austrian Trench DaggerSmiths Arms And Armour
$695.07 €673.74
Continental Hunting Sword / Cutlass Smiths Arms And Armour
$1179.14 €1142.95
Naval Cutlass By HarveySmiths Arms And Armour
$422.01 €409.05
Indian Artillery Sword.Smiths Arms And Armour
$521.3 €505.3
Britsh Naval Cutlass 1804/ 1845.Smiths Arms And Armour
$546.13 €529.36
Model 1889 Naval Cutlass.Smiths Arms And Armour
$682.66 €661.71
Cuirassiers Brest Plate 1827Smiths Vintage
$4033.9 €3910.08
First Gen Smith Shigetaka Wakisashi Short Sword KOE Antiques