Early 18th Century Antique Longcase Clocks

Found 108 For Sale and Sold    ( 22 for sale  86 sold )  
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George III Oak And Mahogany Grandfather Clock£2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 George III Oak And Mahogany Grandfather ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors Fantastic Oak Moonphase Grandfather Clock£4850 $6252.14   €5779.75 Fantastic Oak Moonphase Grandfather ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors George III Brass Face Oak Longcase Clock£3450 $4447.4   €4111.37 George III Brass Face Oak Longcase ClockGraver Antiques And Interiors John Culliford  Bristol Queen Anne Longcase Clock£4850 $6252.14   €5779.75 John Culliford Bristol Queen Anne Longcase ClockKembery Antique Clocks Ltd
Georgian Welsh Oak Longcase Clock C.1800£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 Georgian Welsh Oak Longcase Clock C.1800Collinge Antiques Fine George I Period Walnut 8 Day Longcase Clock  Fine George I Period Walnut 8 Day Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Month Duration London Marquetry Longcase Clock  Month Duration London Marquetry Longcase ClockHg Barometers Early Georgian Oak Cottage Longcase Clock  Early Georgian Oak Cottage Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd
Stunning George I London Walnut Longcase Clock  Stunning George I London Walnut Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd John Waiwright Of Nottingham Longcase Clock £1550.00 $1998.11   €1847.14 John Waiwright Of Nottingham Longcase Clock Notts Clocks Early 18th Century Walnut Inlaid Longcase Clock£1995 $2571.75   €2377.44 Early 18th Century Walnut Inlaid Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Langley Bradley Walnut Longcase Clock  Langley Bradley Walnut Longcase ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
Thomas Gorsuch Of Salop (Shropshire )£2650 $3416.12   €3158.01 Thomas Gorsuch Of Salop (Shropshire )Notts Clocks Early Staffordshire Cottage Longcase Clock£2995 $3860.85   €3569.14 Early Staffordshire Cottage Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Slim Petite Georgian Mahogany Longcase£2450 $3158.3   €2919.67 Slim Petite Georgian Mahogany LongcaseHeydays Antiques John Glazebrook MANSFIELD£1680 $2165.69   €2002.06 John Glazebrook MANSFIELDNotts Clocks
London Walnut Month Going Longcase £6900 $8894.79   €8222.73 London Walnut Month Going Longcase Kembery Antique Clocks Ltd C1785-90 Antique Longcase Clock  C1785-90 Antique Longcase ClockThe Chimes Georgian Oak Grandfather Clock£1975 $2545.97   €2353.61 Georgian Oak Grandfather ClockWitch Antiques Nottingham Longcase Clock With Mercury Barometer£3900 $5027.49   €4647.63 Nottingham Longcase Clock With Mercury BarometerWoodys Antiques
Early 18th Century Oak Long Case Clock.£850 $1095.74   €1012.95 Early 18th Century Oak Long Case Clock.Carlton Fine Art & Antique Centre Collier Of Chapel Longcase Clock £2750 $3545.03   €3277.18 Collier Of Chapel Longcase Clock Notts Clocks Early Georgain Single Pointer Longcase Clock£2495 $3216.3   €2973.29 Early Georgain Single Pointer Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Early 18th Century Chinoiserie Longcase Clock£5500 $7090.05   €6554.35 Early 18th Century Chinoiserie Longcase ClockAbersoch Antiques
Early Georgian Yorkshire 8 Day Longcase Clock£2795 $3603.03   €3330.8 Early Georgian Yorkshire 8 Day Longcase ClockSturmans Antiques Ltd Thomas Haydon Antique Longcase Clock£2100.00 $2707.11   €2502.57 Thomas Haydon Antique Longcase ClockWoodys Antiques Georgian Carved Oak Longcase Celtic Clock  Georgian Carved Oak Longcase Celtic ClockElmgarden Marquetry London Longcase Clock  Marquetry London Longcase ClockThe Clock Work Shop Winchester
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