Antique Tapestries and Tapestry Wall Hangings

Found 304 For Sale and Sold    ( 65 for sale  239 sold )  
Rare 19th Century Tapestry Woolwork Parrot In Good£495 $613.31   €594.54 Rare 19th Century Tapestry Woolwork Parrot In GoodRams Head Antiques Tapestry Wall Hanging£295.00 $365.51   €354.32 Tapestry Wall HangingAthey Antiques Welsh Tapestry Cushions £45.00 $55.76   €54.05 Welsh Tapestry Cushions Havard And Havard Victorian Rosewood Framed Tapestry £125.00 $154.88   €150.14 Victorian Rosewood Framed Tapestry Melbourne Antiques
Large Framed 18thC Louis XVI Tapestry Overdoor£3450.00 $4274.55   €4143.8 Large Framed 18thC Louis XVI Tapestry OverdoorDoe And Hope 19th.c. Framed Embroidery C.1880.£425 $526.58   €510.47 19th.c. Framed Embroidery C.1880.Collinge Antiques 1823 Regency Sampler£140 $173.46   €168.15 1823 Regency SamplerWestbank Antiques Large Duke Of Wellington Tapestry  Large Duke Of Wellington TapestryJohn Howkins Antiques
Georgian Silk Stumpwork Picture  Georgian Silk Stumpwork PictureHobson May Collection 19th C. Large Woolwork Tapestry£225.00 $278.78   €270.25 19th C. Large Woolwork TapestryLemon Tree Antiques Victorian Tapestry Sampler In Rosewood Frame  Victorian Tapestry Sampler In Rosewood FrameYola Gray Antiques Victorian English Needlework Tapestry  Victorian English Needlework TapestryYola Gray Antiques
Late Regency Flowers Needlework In Walnut Frame£115 $142.49   €138.13 Late Regency Flowers Needlework In Walnut FrameCarse Antiques And Restoration French Tapestry 19th Century  French Tapestry 19th CenturyNormandie Antiquites Coat Of Arms Tapestry£395 $489.41   €474.43 Coat Of Arms TapestryFernyhough Antiques Jean Lurcat, French (1892 - 1966) Title Tapestry   Jean Lurcat, French (1892 - 1966) Title Tapestry Art Furniture
Charming Arts & Crafts Embroidery Oil Painting£2500.00 $3097.5   €3002.75 Charming Arts & Crafts Embroidery Oil PaintingLemon Tree Antiques Silk & Wool Embroidered Picture "Lady Of The Lake"  Silk & Wool Embroidered Picture "Lady Of The Lake"John Howkins Antiques Three Beautiful 17thC Verdure Tapestry Cushions£595.00 $737.21   €714.65 Three Beautiful 17thC Verdure Tapestry CushionsDoe And Hope C.L.Fripp Watercolour Queen Elizabeths Virginal    C.L.Fripp Watercolour Queen Elizabeth's Virginal Studio RT Ltd
 Very Large 19th.c. Framed Woolwork Panel C.1870.£795 $985.01   €954.87 Very Large 19th.c. Framed Woolwork Panel C.1870.Collinge Antiques Early 20th C French Tapestry£125 $154.88   €150.14 Early 20th C French TapestrySwans Of Oakham Antiques And Interiors Mrs.H.Champion Ex.1868-85 Watercolour Peacock Fan  Mrs.H.Champion Ex.1868-85 Watercolour Peacock FanStudio RT Ltd Original Regency Wool Framed Tapestry   Original Regency Wool Framed Tapestry Sturmans Antiques Ltd
Braun Tapestry "Les Grandeas Lesparanols" R.Hurtu  Braun Tapestry "Les Grandeas Lesparanols" R.HurtuArt Furniture Early Victorian Sampler Original Rosewood Frame£395 $489.41   €474.43 Early Victorian Sampler Original Rosewood FrameRams Head Antiques Large Wall Tapestry Of Gun Dogs£595.00 $737.21   €714.65 Large Wall Tapestry Of Gun DogsAthey Antiques “The Lady And The Unicorn” Tapestry.£345 $427.46   €414.38 “The Lady And The Unicorn” Tapestry.Collinge Antiques