Antique Tapestries and Tapestry Wall Hangings

Found 304 For Sale and Sold    ( 65 for sale  239 sold )  
Mid 19th Century Rosewood Framed Tapestry£240 $303.07   €291 Mid 19th Century Rosewood Framed TapestryWorboys Antiques And Clocks Mid Century 70s Vintage Croatian Wall Hanging £85 $107.34   €103.06 Mid Century 70s Vintage Croatian Wall Hanging Lucian Linnell Vintage Antique Tapestry Wall Hanging£1250 $1578.5   €1515.63 Antique Tapestry Wall HangingVertu Antiques And Textiles Large Victorian Sampler - Unusual Subjects£425.00 $536.69   €515.31 Large Victorian Sampler - Unusual SubjectsAthey Antiques
Large French Tapestry Of Medieval Scenes  Large French Tapestry Of Medieval ScenesWillows Antiques & Interiors Framed Oriental Embroidery Pheasant Amid Blossom  Framed Oriental Embroidery Pheasant Amid BlossomStudio RT Ltd Large Tapestry Wall Hanging£345 $435.67   €418.31 Large Tapestry Wall HangingCollinge Antiques Late 18thC Sampler By Louise Simmons, Aged 7  Late 18thC Sampler By Louise Simmons, Aged 7Harrington Antiques
French Verdure Large Tapestry  French Verdure Large TapestryBelle Antiques Small Antique Framed Embroidered Sampler, English£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Small Antique Framed Embroidered Sampler, EnglishLondon Fine Antiques Large Tapestry Panel C.1970£395 $498.81   €478.94 Large Tapestry Panel C.1970Collinge Antiques Large Tapestry Panel C.1950£495 $625.09   €600.19 Large Tapestry Panel C.1950Collinge Antiques
A Large Pair Of French Tapestries.£1500 $1894.2   €1818.75 A Large Pair Of French Tapestries.Youngs Antiques Large Antique Decorative Tapestry, French, C.1900£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Large Antique Decorative Tapestry, French, C.1900London Fine Antiques Vintage Very Large Flemish Wall Hung Tapestry£445 $561.95   €539.56 Vintage Very Large Flemish Wall Hung TapestryAbacus Antiques Welsh Tapestry Throw/Blanket  Welsh Tapestry Throw/BlanketCeltic Antiques
Very Large 18th C Flemish Tapestry£2895 $3655.81   €3510.19 Very Large 18th C Flemish TapestryJMR Antiques Ltd. Vintage Romance Tapestry, French, Needlepoint£985 $1243.86   €1194.31 Vintage Romance Tapestry, French, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques Large Framed Tapestry C.1970£495 $625.09   €600.19 Large Framed Tapestry C.1970Collinge Antiques Large Antique Tapestry Panel, French, Needlepoint£1895 $2393.01   €2297.69 Large Antique Tapestry Panel, French, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques
Large Machine Made Tapestry £895 $1130.21   €1085.19 Large Machine Made Tapestry Merchant House Antiques Vintage Decorative Tapestry, French, Needlepoint£385 $486.18   €466.81 Vintage Decorative Tapestry, French, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Tapestry, French, Needlepoint, C.1980£795 $1003.93   €963.94 Vintage Tapestry, French, Needlepoint, C.1980London Fine Antiques Vintage Wall Tapestry, English, Needlepoint£1295 $1635.33   €1570.19 Vintage Wall Tapestry, English, NeedlepointLondon Fine Antiques
Large Antique Tapestry Panel, Continental, C.1900£1755 $2216.21   €2127.94 Large Antique Tapestry Panel, Continental, C.1900London Fine Antiques Antique Tapestry, English, Needlepoint £475 $599.83   €575.94 Antique Tapestry, English, Needlepoint London Fine Antiques Large Vintage Panoramic Tapestry, Continental£1495 $1887.89   €1812.69 Large Vintage Panoramic Tapestry, ContinentalLondon Fine Antiques Vintage Panoramic Tapestry, Continental, C.1930£725 $915.53   €879.06 Vintage Panoramic Tapestry, Continental, C.1930London Fine Antiques