Wool Tapestries
Found 74 For Sale and Sold ( 18 for sale 56 sold )
$866.46 €830.59
Large Tapestry Wall HangingCollinge Antiques
$1115.8 €1069.61
19th Century Sailor's Woolwork Royal Coat Of Arms Dreams Less Sweet Antiques
$3116.75 €2987.75
Sampler By Rachel 1831 Oswestry SchoolCheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$236.87 €227.07
Beautiful Early Welsh Narrow Loom BlanketWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$1558.38 €1493.88
Historic Tapestry Jacobites Treason Hand Toasting Cheshire Antiques Consultant Ltd
$430.11 €412.31
19th Century Woolwork SamplerSunnyside Antiques
$405.18 €388.41
A Tapestry Welsh Double Blanket Country Home Antiques Porthmadog
$479.98 €460.11
Antique Large Walnut Framed Tapestry.The Antique Shop Sutton Bridge
$492.45 €472.06
Long Tapestry Wall Hanging C.1950Collinge Antiques
$1433.71 €1374.37
19thC Large Wool Work Of John Constable's PaintingRobert Belcher Antiques
$2493.4 €2390.2
19th Century Woolwork Standing Lion TapestryCheshire Antiques Consultant
$305.44 €292.8
Beautiful Victorian Beadwork Floral Panel FramedStudio RT Ltd
$311.68 €298.78
19th Century Framed Scottish TapestryElmgarden
$243.11 €233.04
19th C. Wool Tapestry Child Visits Captive MotherStudio RT Ltd
$243.11 €233.04
Victorian Crossley Carpet Mosaic, Edward VII C1860Penrose Antiques
$1059.7 €1015.84
French Aubusson Verdure TapestryBelle Antiques
$261.81 €250.97
Framed Dutch TapestryStephen Belt Antiques
$841.52 €806.69
A Welsh Folk Art Chenille WoolworkRobert Pugh Antiques
$355.31 €340.6
Fine Wool Work Victorian Sussex Reg Sampler C1890Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$243.11 €233.04
Rare Naive Folk Art Sailors Wool Work Picture 1880Cloverleaf Home Interiors
$280.51 €268.9
Antique Berlin Religious Woolwork Tapestry FramedHashtag Curios
$716.85 €687.18
Early 19th Century Wool Work Tapestry Anthony Wilkinson Decorative Antiques
$617.12 €591.57
Large Tapestry Wall HangingCollinge Antiques
Stunning Early Welsh QuiltWelsh Vernacular Antiques
$866.46 €830.59
Tapestry Wall Hanging Of Woodcutters In A ForestCollinge Antiques
$105.97 €101.58
Mid Century 70s Vintage Croatian Wall Hanging Lucian Linnell Vintage
$1558.38 €1493.88
Antique Tapestry Wall HangingVertu Antiques And Textiles
$430.11 €412.31
Large Tapestry Wall HangingCollinge Antiques