Victorian Scientific Antiques
Found 102 For Sale and Sold ( 23 for sale 79 sold )
$301.94 €290.37
Mounted Baker MicroscopeNewark Antiques And Interiors
$400.53 €385.19
Rare Antique Elliott Brothers Brass ThermopileHashtag Curios
$856.52 €823.71
Antique Scholar's Microscope, English, BrassLondon Fine Antiques
$2212.16 €2127.43
Antique Wrap Reel Machine, English, FactoryLondon Fine Antiques
$2464.8 €2370.4
Victorian Recording Rain Gauge By Callaghan & CoJason Clarke Antiques
$5545.8 €5333.4
Victorian Winters Pattern Electrostatic MachineJason Clarke Antiques
$462.15 €444.45
Bate's Patent Saccharometer By Ludwig OertlingJason Clarke Antiques
$3697.2 €3555.6
Early Victorian Induction Coil By RuhmkorffJason Clarke Antiques
$1213.91 €1167.42
Antique Pluviometer Set, English, CopperLondon Fine Antiques
$400.53 €385.19
Victorian Miniature Spectroscope By John BrowningJason Clarke Antiques
$363.56 €349.63
Victorian Hardings Patent Revolution CounterJason Clarke Antiques
$486.8 €468.15
Late Victorian Geissler Tube Cross Vacuum ScaleJason Clarke Antiques
$1719.2 €1653.35
Antique Ships Clinometer, English, Brass, C.1900London Fine Antiques
$1478.88 €1422.24
Victorian Tabletop Revolving Stereoscope By Mattey ParisJason Clarke Antiques
$1213.91 €1167.42
Antique Optometrist's Set, English, Optical CaseLondon Fine Antiques
$425.18 €408.89
Victorian Law Of Reflection Demonstration Jason Clarke Antiques
$492.96 €474.08
C1885 Draughtsman Architects Drawing Set By ElliotEglinton Antiques
$123.24 €118.52
Superb Set Of German Silver Beam CompassesCarse Antiques
$271.13 €260.74
Cased Rolling Parallel Rule By Elliott Bros C1875Antique Ethos
$708.63 €681.49
Antique Pluviometer, English, Udometer, London Fine Antiques
$480.64 €462.23
Architects Level By WF STANLEY 1892Wickersley Antiques
$271.13 €260.74
Victorian Martinet Rosewood Card ViewerSlades Antiques
$320.42 €308.15
Victorian Mahogany Dispenser By W R Loftus LondonArt Furniture
$1540.5 €1481.5
A Victorian Mahogany Microscope Slide CabinetGravener Antiques
$104.75 €100.74
Rare Claude Glass (Lorraine Mirror), Early VictorianForte Antiques York
Antique English Brass Cased Floating Card CompassPuckerings Antiques
1866 Reuters Anglo Prussian Telegraph Cable SampleJason Clarke Antiques
Victorian Robinson-Beckley Anemometer By J HicksJason Clarke Antiques