Iron Antique Arms and Militaria
Found 493 For Sale and Sold ( 82 for sale 411 sold )
French 1882 Pattern Infantry Officer's Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
Late 19th Century Japanese Cavalry Troopers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
WW1 German Cavalry Sword With Engraved BladeChristopher Walker Antiques
19th Century Arabic Broadsword (Katarra) Christopher Walker Antiques
$206.58 €202.61
Percussion Boxlock PistolSaltwood Antiques
$419.24 €411.17
Mid 18th Century European Axe Head, C1750Curious Antiques
$224.81 €220.48
Stepfsjo Bruk Salute CannonSaltwood Antiques
Early 20th Century Breastplate And BackplateChristopher Walker Antiques
Two Child's 19th Century TalwarsChristopher Walker Antiques
Early 19th Century Silver Koftgari FirangiChristopher Walker Antiques
Late 19th Century Talwar Hunting SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
$480 €470.76
Pistol Percussion Dragoon Circa 1820’s ContinentalSovereign Antiques
George V Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
Italian 1833 Pattern Mounted Artillery SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
$91.14 €89.39
Gem Air Rifle 1900Smiths Vintage
George V Infantry Officers Sword By HawkesChristopher Walker Antiques
George V Royal Engineers Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Late 19th Century Italian Cavalry SabreChristopher Walker Antiques
French Early 20th Century Infantry Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Victorian Infantry Officers Sword By WilkinsonChristopher Walker Antiques
George V Infantry Officers Sword By WilkinsonChristopher Walker Antiques
Paget Flintlock Carbine Smiths Vintage
Mid Victorian Infantry Sergeants SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
Transitional 6 Shot Revolver Smiths Vintage
1897 Pattern Edward VII Infantry Officers Sword Christopher Walker Antiques
George V Royal Artillery Officers SwordChristopher Walker Antiques
French 1834 Percussion Pistol Smiths Vintage
1863 Star Revolver Smiths Vintage