Late 19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 1029 For Sale and Sold    ( 164 for sale  865 sold )  
Antique English Parian & Silver Plate Biscuit Box  Antique English Parian & Silver Plate Biscuit BoxPuckerings Antiques Silver Plated Squirrel Nut Dish By William Hutton   Silver Plated Squirrel Nut Dish By William Hutton Puckerings Antiques Sheffield Silver Plated Pedestal Bowl C1870£60 $77.35   €71.5 Sheffield Silver Plated Pedestal Bowl C1870Jacachet Decorative Antiques And Interiors Antique Silver Plated Claw Sugar Tongs£32 $41.25   €38.13 Antique Silver Plated Claw Sugar TongsBeeches Vintage
Antique Victorian Silver Plated Bottle Holder£120 $154.69   €143 Antique Victorian Silver Plated Bottle HolderBeeches Vintage Stunning Antique Silver Plate Toast Rack£75 $96.68   €89.38 Stunning Antique Silver Plate Toast RackBeeches Vintage Art Nouveau Silver Plated Fish Servers, C.1910-20£30 $38.67   €35.75 Art Nouveau Silver Plated Fish Servers, C.1910-20Burnell And Rowe  Christopher Dresser Style Breakfast Cruet  Christopher Dresser Style Breakfast CruetKingsdown Antiques
Victorian Silver Plated TOAST Rack Reg. 1880  Victorian Silver Plated TOAST Rack Reg. 1880Puckerings Antiques Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated Donkey Cruet Set   Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated Donkey Cruet Set Kingsdown Antiques KSIA Keswick Arts & Crafts Robert Temple Cream Jug  KSIA Keswick Arts & Crafts Robert Temple Cream JugLevels Antiques Oak And Silver Plate Biscuit Box / Barrel C.1890  Oak And Silver Plate Biscuit Box / Barrel C.1890Puckerings Antiques
DSCG Duchess Sutherland Cripples Guild Ewer Jug  DSCG Duchess Sutherland Cripples Guild Ewer JugLevels Antiques Silver Plated & Crocodile Leather Hip Flask C1890£150.00 $193.37   €178.76 Silver Plated & Crocodile Leather Hip Flask C1890Spencer James Antiques Silver Plated Lidded Wine Cooler  Silver Plated Lidded Wine CoolerShackladys Antiques Beautiful Pair Silver Plated Candelabra   Beautiful Pair Silver Plated Candelabra Kingsdown Antiques
Pair Silver Plated Candlesticks By Cailar Bayard  Pair Silver Plated Candlesticks By Cailar BayardPuckerings Antiques WMF Art Nouveau Tall Silver Plated Claret Jug  WMF Art Nouveau Tall Silver Plated Claret JugAntique Ethos Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated  Cake Basket£285 $367.39   €339.63 Gorgeous Victorian Silver Plated Cake BasketKingsdown Antiques A Good English Victorian Salad Bowl   A Good English Victorian Salad Bowl Kingsdown Antiques
Fabulous Victorian Strawberry Dish - Circa 1890  Fabulous Victorian Strawberry Dish - Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Basket With Blue Glass Liner£35 $45.12   €41.71 Victorian Silver Plated Basket With Blue Glass LinerBurnell And Rowe Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Biscuit Box   Fabulous Victorian Silver Plated Biscuit Box Kingsdown Antiques Late 19th / Early 20th C. Silver Plated Soup Ladle£35 $45.12   €41.71 Late 19th / Early 20th C. Silver Plated Soup LadleBurnell And Rowe
Stunning Victorian Butter Dish - Circa 1880  Stunning Victorian Butter Dish - Circa 1880Kingsdown Antiques Outstanding Antique Walnut Betjamanns Tantalus  Outstanding Antique Walnut Betjamann's TantalusSturmans Antiques Ltd Stunning Pair Victorian Silver Plated Bottle Coasters  Stunning Pair Victorian Silver Plated Bottle CoastersKingsdown Antiques Table Centre Piece Stunning Silver Plate Victorian£495 $638.1   €589.89 Table Centre Piece Stunning Silver Plate VictorianCloverleaf Home Interiors