Late 19th Century Antique Silver Plated

Found 1029 For Sale and Sold    ( 164 for sale  865 sold )  
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Superb Elkington Butter Dish In Silver Plate C1881  Superb Elkington Butter Dish In Silver Plate C1881Puckerings Antiques Antique Desk Stand, English, Correspondence Box£595 $767.01   €709.06 Antique Desk Stand, English, Correspondence BoxLondon Fine Antiques Outstanding Set Fruit / Desert Knives And Forks   Outstanding Set Fruit / Desert Knives And Forks Puckerings Antiques Large Pair Victorian Silver Plated Coasters£245 $315.83   €291.97 Large Pair Victorian Silver Plated CoastersCarse Antiques
Small Victorian Silver Plated Salver / Tray, C 1880  Small Victorian Silver Plated Salver / Tray, C 1880Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish, Circa 1890  Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish, Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques Unusual Victorian Napkin Holder  Circa 1890  Unusual Victorian Napkin Holder Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plate & Crocodile Hip Flask, 1898£130 $167.58   €154.92 Victorian Silver Plate & Crocodile Hip Flask, 1898Burnell And Rowe
Victorian Silver Plated Tray, Circa, 1890  Victorian Silver Plated Tray, Circa, 1890Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish, Circa 1880  Victorian Silver Plated Serving Dish, Circa 1880Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Claret Jug, Circa 1880  Victorian Silver Plated Claret Jug, Circa 1880Kingsdown Antiques Victorian Silver Plated Leaf Toast Rack, C 1890  Victorian Silver Plated Leaf Toast Rack, C 1890Kingsdown Antiques
Christofle Gallia Silver Plated Jug - Tulips C1910  Christofle Gallia Silver Plated Jug - Tulips C1910Puckerings Antiques Antique English Coromandel & Silver Plate Tantalus  Antique English Coromandel & Silver Plate TantalusPuckerings Antiques Unusual Indian Silver Plated Campaign Teapot C1884£475 $612.32   €566.06 Unusual Indian Silver Plated Campaign Teapot C1884Penrose Antiques Nice Victorian Silver Plated Toast Rack   Nice Victorian Silver Plated Toast Rack Kingsdown Antiques
Silver Plated Oval Desk Stand  Silver Plated Oval Desk StandShackladys Antiques Antique WMF Silver Plated And Glass Claret Jug£545 $702.56   €649.48 Antique WMF Silver Plated And Glass Claret JugLondon City Antiques Art Nouveau French Christofle Gallia Bread Basket   Art Nouveau French Christofle Gallia Bread Basket Puckerings Antiques Fabulous Victorian Claret Jug - Circa 1890  Fabulous Victorian Claret Jug - Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques
Unusual Pair Victorian Knife Rests - Circa 1890  Unusual Pair Victorian Knife Rests - Circa 1890Kingsdown Antiques Oak And Silver Plate Drinks Tray By John Grinsell  Oak And Silver Plate Drinks Tray By John GrinsellPuckerings Antiques Large Raymond Crested Silver Plate Serving Pan£65.00 $83.79   €77.46 Large Raymond Crested Silver Plate Serving PanJohn Austin Antiques Cranberry Glass & Silver Plate Decanter Set C.1890  Cranberry Glass & Silver Plate Decanter Set C.1890Puckerings Antiques
Pair Of WMF Silver Plated Goat Novelty Knife Rests£75.00 $96.68   €89.38 Pair Of WMF Silver Plated Goat Novelty Knife RestsThe Fancy Fox Silver Plated Victorian Calling Bell C1890s£190 $244.93   €226.42 Silver Plated Victorian Calling Bell C1890sSpencer James Antiques Arts & Crafts Planished Silver Plated Bowl  Arts & Crafts Planished Silver Plated BowlWoodbridge Antiques Rare Travelling Picnic Set Mappin & Webb£425.00 $547.87   €506.47 Rare Travelling Picnic Set Mappin & WebbSpencer James Antiques
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